Papà [Bruno x f!reader]

Start from the beginning

"He needs to learn his lesson, Bruno!"

"He learned it well! [Name]!"

This is bad, very bad. We need someone strong... Luisa! Wait no, she's not born yet... what to do, what to do... Tìa! TÌA PEPA!!

The dark-haired boy sprinted around the town, which is smaller than he thought. He came across his tìa Julieta's stand and didn't hesitate to rush over. He saw a younger version of Julieta as well as Agustin, who dislocated his shoulder from rolling down a mountain.

"Tì— Julieta! Julieta, [name]'s in trouble!" He silently cringe to himself when he called them out by their names, feeling like a disrespectful child for not calling them Tìa or Mamì.

"Bruno? What do you mean? Where is she??"

Bruno? I'm not Bruno‐ do I really look like that twig???

"She's by señ-" he cleared his throat, trying to mask up to his mistake. "She's by The Torres residence."

"Alright, I'll go get Pepa, be sure to not be seen by Mamà."

Pepa and Julieta arrived at the right moment, and escort them to la casita. He eavesdropped on their conversation, trying to gather information. His heart softens at how caring his mother is, the boy can't help but feel anger at him for leaving her.

"Good thing, Bruno found me just in time." Diego heard Tìa's words as she place a meal in both of his parent's hands.

he knew he messed up, he's not supposed to help, but he did. A small wrong gesture can get an entire town destroyed, the butterfly effect is something he feared.

"Me? I'm right next to [nickname] the entire time."

Shoot! Please ignore it, ignore iiiiiit.

"Really?" Julieta hum in thought she was sure she saw him running to her with a panicked expression. "I may have been seeing things."


Diego send a thankful flying kiss at the sky before he continued his eavesdropping until he heard the younger version of his parents flirt with each other. He shifted uncomfortably, not wanting to be there anymore, he made a portal out of the sand, to go back to his present time.

Diego groaned as he climbed out of the portal to his room where he collects sand.

What did I do to deserve this punishment?? it's beEN A MONTH! NO CLUE ABOUT PAPA!!

Dusting himself, he dragged his feet out of the room of sand into his actual bedroom. The youngest witnessed his older siblings feeding his pet rat: Pablo on top of his bed before they turned to the sound of an opened door.

"Where were you?? Do you know how long you've been gone? Mamà is looking for you!" Alondra was the first one to speak up.

"Can I at least take a rest for a minute??" He protested, laying on his bed, still processing what just happened.

"Talk to Mamà first, she was getting worried, you've been gone for almost an hour."

Mamà, that word sends shivers down his spine as he recalls the events he just witness.

"You seem shaken, did you find information about Papà's disappearance?" The oldest pointed out, scooting closer, ready to hear what happen.

"No, I just... witnessed something unexpected."

The girl made a disgusted expression, "Dios Mio if this is about Papà and Mamà doing‐"

"No! No, no, no, no, ew." He gagged at the memory he caught his parents doing the thing when he accidentally made a portal at the time they were doing it. "Please, not a word about that."

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