I shrug. I honestly haven't put much thought into the decision yet. I know. Stupid for me to procrastinate it.

"Obviously, Penn State is the closest to home, but their hockey program isn't the greatest compared to Michigan and Boston. Plus, it's too big. Penn State Main Campus is huge."

Devin nods his head, agreeing with me. "Well- you know who also got an offer there?" Devin adds in.



Well, there goes Penn State from my options. Not like I liked it anyways like I explained to Devin.

As much as I love my teammates, I could never go to the same college as them. I just can't, and I refuse. I'm going to college to be my own person and escape this small town. Well, Devin is the exception, but sometimes I even question that.

The only person who I wouldn't mind going to college with is Juliana, but we both know consciously that we're going in two different directions.

"Do you think he'll go there?"

Devin nods his head frantically. "Definitely. He seems like a Penn State dude anyways. Anyways, what about Boston or Michigan?"

"Boston University is great. I love the school and campus, plus, Boston is a great city. There's so many opportunities there, but it isn't a Big Ten school which is important to my dad."

"Oh, Ben." Devin sighs.

I lightly chuckle. "You know him, he wants me to go to a Big Ten school and shoot for the NHL which leaves Michigan. I think it's the school for me. They're hockey program is one of the best in the country, and I got along with the staff and coaches the best. I just got a good feeling while I was there."

More of our teammates join us on the ice, so Devin and I huddle in a corner to continue to talk.

"My mom wants me to retour all the schools before I make a decision, but I'm set on Michigan right now." I finish off my long rant.

Devin stays silent for a moment, processing all the information.

"Well, I hope you know that Notre Dame is going to put up a fight against Michigan next year."

It takes a minute for Devin's comment to register. "Wait, you committed?" I ask shocked.

Devin only nods his head, biting back a smile.

I hold my hockey stick in one hand as I lightly check Devin into the plexiglass, wrapping my arm around him and giving his helmet a couple of light smacks.

"Congrats man! I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks." Devin smiles at me.

"When did you receive the offer? I didn't even know you received any offers from schools let alone that you wanted to play?" I ask Devin, guilt settling in my stomach. What a best friend I am. I didn't even know Devin received any offers to play, let alone a Big Ten school.

Devin awkwardly laughs, playing with his gloves. "Well, you were reuniting with Juliana. I didn't want to bother that."

My eyes widen, and the guilt in my stomach intensifies. "So this was recent?"

Devin bites his lip, nodding slowly. "Notre Dame offered me a spot on their team on last Thursday, but you were still pretty pissed off about detention so I didn't want to bother you. Plus, my dad was so excited that he booked us a flight that night to go visit and see the game on Friday."

"You could've told me that you got an offer! I would've been excited for you!" I argue.

"You're quite scary when you're angry. I didn't want to poke the bear." Devin shrugs.

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