50 📞 midnight talks

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Bold - Ni-ki

Italic - You

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"What's with you and your midnight calls?"

"I'm actually up on our dorm's rooftop right now and I can't help but notice there's a lot of stars up there tonight"

"That's cool. But what are you doing out there in the rooftop this late?"

"Oh, you know getting away from my hyungs because they're all now hopeless at their stress for their upcoming exams"

"I'm sure you're one of those hopeless students"

"No, I'm inspired. I am in love"

"Well, then tell me more about who you're in love with"

"Well, there's this girl"

"Oh okay. For a moment there, I thought you would say otherwise. Glad you cleared that up"

"Ha ha. Anyway, she's really rude to strangers at their calls, especially to someone who she blackmailed"

"With McDonald's treat.. Yummy"

" - and her list of insults is endless. She's very funny, not that she tries too hard but she doesn't know how scary she was to let me hear about her plotting my death -"

"Hey that was before, not anymore"

" - and I fear she might be slightly cuckoo in the side"

"You know you're missing the point of being in love if that's how you describe her"

"Shush, Y/N. Let me finish"

"Oh, you aren't done? Please continue"

"Right, so as I was saying, she might be a little crazy, but she's cute anyway. She's beautiful and has the most gorgeous eyes, she's smart and interesting and she has this way of making me feel better no matter what. I also like how she's always honest and how she's grown to open up to me. I think she's great overall, really"

"Oh, uh..  Wow. She's incredible"

"Wow. Indeed she knows that"


"I love her"

"Are you flirting with me, Nishimura Riki?"

"Is it working?"


"Well, maybe I'm trying to be romantic"

"Not this again!"

[ they laugh together at the same time ]

"Want to go out in another date soon? I mean, like this, in a starry night together?"

"You want me that badly, huh?"

"Oh shut up.. I know you love that idea"

"Who's desperate now?"

"Of course me"

"Hey, you never did tell me why are you alone there. Where's Sunoo?"

"Probably eating out by now with Jungwon in a convenience store"

"That's nice. Relieve the stress by eating"

"Yeah, as for me, my idea of relieving stress is how to kill my girlfriend at night"

"Ni-ki, that's creepy!"

"Just kidding! You're so easy to rile up when you're the killer here, killer of my heart"

"Shut up! That's cringy!"

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q & a : who is always waiting for this book to update?

i'm really serious on making this longer than savage charmer. maybe it could reach 70 in total or 80.

Loco At Midnight Calls ⚊ Enhypen Ni-ki Text AU Where stories live. Discover now