Start from the beginning

"I was already planning on it." I said smiling a little.

"That's the mentality. But, like you said, you're leaving in a few hours. You need to get to bed." Russ said.

"You're right. Thank you, you're a cool dude." I said.

"Anytime. It's nice getting to talk to someone other than Matt sometimes." He said joking (mostly). I did a little love shake to his shoulder and made my way upstairs.

February 19, 1982

I grabbed the last of my things at 4:45 and went to tell them goodbye. I went to Katy's and Tim's room first. I made it Brian's room next. I lightly shook his shoulder to get him stirred up.

"Brian, wake up doll I gotta leave." I whispered. He opened his eyes slowly.

"Why are you leaving so early." He said tiredly.

"Because it was the only plane we could get." I said. He raised up hugging me. After he laid down I tucked him into his blankets so he was warm. I closed the door and headed to Matt and Kevin's room. I debated going in, but didn't wanna not tell Kevin goodbye.

I quietly woke him up like Brian and gave him a small hug. He quickly fell back asleep. I went over to Matt's nightstand taking the note out. I put it down quietly and took one last look at Matt. If so pretty, why so ignorant?

I was obviously in a mopey mood, but smiled telling Mrs. Dillon bye. Me and Kurt left the house walking a ways away.

We got lucky and hitched a ride from an old farmer who would be going by the airport.

We made it on the plane alright. It was too early. I think Kurt noticed my particular mood, but he didn't push it.

Matt's POV

I woke up to the sun. It was probably 9 o'clock if I could guess. I looked around realizing what happened last night. It doesn't seem real. I rubbed my eyes and went for the water bottle on my nightstand. I realized there was a new note. I knew it was from Elly. I opened it analyzing it carefully.

Good luck on Tex.

I probably shouldn't of ended it like that. What was I supposed to do? I wish a little that she would've woke me up after all. I rubbed my face tiredly and went to the bathroom.

I came out of the bathroom and about had a heart attack when I seen Russ sitting on Kevin's bed.

"So, how're you feeling today Mr. Dillon?" He asked.

"I'm not feeling it today Russ." I said flopping down on my bed.

"That's your fault. That's what you get for trusting the dumb cousin over your practically girlfriend." Russ said.

"Shutup Russ." I said.

"No. I will not shutup. You know damn well she did not kiss him. You left her crying last night, you realize that?" Russ said.

"She was crying?" I asked looking at him.

"Oh course you idiot. You yelled at her for something she didn't do!" He said.

"Oh man." I said running my hand over my face.

"Oh man indeed." Russ said.

"Think she hates me?" I asked sitting up.

"I don't think she hates you, but she definitely has some resentment." Russ said.

"I'm gonna call her." I said picking up the phone.

"She's probably not even home yet." He said.

"I'll leave her a message." I said starting to put in the number. I listened to it ring and was startled when it was answered.

"Billie Rivas speaking for the Cobain household." I was almost too startled to speak.

"Uh-sorry wrong number." I said quickly. I hung up and looked at Russ. "Her friend answered."

I looked up from my magazine to the gift sitting perfectly wrapped in the corner. I slowly went and grabbed it. I sat down staring at it. I began taking off the ribbon and paper. It was a white box with a note on the top. I took off the note and read 'Happy Birthday loser.' I really screwed this up. I opened the top and looked through the things.

The first thing there was a Kansas vinyl. She's got good taste. There was candle with a note that said it reminded her of me. There was a few other little sentimental things in there. At the bottom there was a envelope with things inside.

I opened it and pulled out two pictures. I looked at the first one and it was a picture of her in my shirt and jacket. I looked at it feeling guilt wash over. I flipped it over looking at the words. You're never getting these back by the way. I set it down and looked at the other one. It was a picture of her holding a turtle in front of her window. I thought about her setting up camera for an hour and setting a timer. I flipped it over again and read Tony the Turtle.

I got up and put the pictures in the drawer of my nightstand along with the note. She didn't do anything to me.

Elly's POV

I got home with Kurt hauling in the bags. I nodded to Chad who was comfortably on the couch.

"There's a package for you in the kitchen." He said. I made a confused face as to who sent me a package. I went over to the box and looking at the first word on the address. New York. I remembered Matt saying he sent me something.

I grabbed the box and went to my room. I was hesitant on throwing the box on the bed, but decided against it. I began unpacking when I looked at the box. I felt as if it was staring at me. I went to my bed looking at the box for at least a minute.

I slowly grabbed the box and began taking the tape off with my blade. I took a dramatic breath in and opened the flaps. I saw my shirt that I left at his house. I took it out and smelled the smell of him. I had half the mind to not keep it. I didn't want to, but I did want to. I unfolded it to reveal a picture with a note. Of course. I get this after he gets mad at me. I bet he just threw away my present for him.

I read the note first. It said
Nice shirt. (I made Kevin take this picture.)
I looked at the picture to see him wearing the way too tight shirt with two thumbs up. God, why'd his smile have to be so nice. I stared at the picture for a few minutes lost in thoughts when I heard my door open. I quickly slid the picture between my mattresses.

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