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Three months later; June
Louis is 28weeks

"You guys are getting so big." I said, blowing raspberries on Cody's tummy. Today was the night before the twins' second birthday. I can't believe it's already been two years.

Me and Harry were looking for houses, and the twins were sitting watching our tv, Elmo of course. Then Cody wanted attention so I started kissing him all over.

"Hey, I want to kiss my almost two-year-old!" Harry whined, pulling Cody on his lap. Cody giggled at his fathers tone of voice and I smiled at the scene.

An hour later, I took Payton in her room while Harry took Cody. I changed her diaper and put her in some bunny pjs. The top had a little gray bunny with a flower crown, and then the bottoms were pink with little sunflowers.

"Cutie." I kissed her cheek and set her in her crib. "Do you want Your paci?" She nodded and I set it in her mouth, watching as her eyes grew heavy. "Goodnight Pumpkin. Sweet dreams,"

Harry and I walked out of the bedrooms at the same time, I smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling him into our bedroom. We sat on our bed and looked through houses.

"That would be a good nursery for our new baby girl." Harry said, as we looked through the house.

Oh, did I forget to mention? Yeah this little bean in my stomach is a girl.

"Mum still doesn't know we're having her," I said, realizing. "Maybe we'll surprise her when we move? So we need to move before September."

"Yea. Oh my God. This house is perfect!" Harry exclaimed. It had six bedrooms. Two downstairs and four upstairs. There was three and a half bathrooms. Then in the backyard it had a pool and a lot of yard for he kids to play in.

"I agree. Put a offer in,"



Two weeks later, we were packing up the apartment. We got the call yesterday, that we had gotten the house. I called my mum to tell her we were moving, and assured her we don't need help. I didn't want her seeing my stomach before the party.

We decided to have the twins birthday party when we moved, so we could have it with the rest of the family. The twins didn't seem to mind.

Now, though, the twins are at their last day of daycare and we were packing up our life here. We'd already finished Payton's room, and now I was doing Cody's, while Harry started on the kitchen. Hopefully, we can have the moving guys can come tomorrow so we can leave.

Two hours later, I was finished with Cody's bedroom, and Harry was finishing up the kitchen. We decided to get some lunch. I ordered some McDonalds, with extra nuggets for the twins later.

When we were done eating, I went into our bedroom and Harry finished up the kitchen. First, I packed a suitcase, like i did for the twins. I put our essentials in and then started packing some boxes.

After an hour, Harry came to help me pack up our bedroom, he said he'd already done the bathroom, so we only had our bedroom to finish.

We sat on the couch after another hour, looking around at our empty apartment. We weren't done with our bedroom, but we needed to go get the twins soon.

When we got to the daycare, I saw Miss Violet talking in the office. She smiled and waved at us, walking out.

"Harry, Louis." She greeted, shaking our hands. "My shift ended a few minutes ago. But I wanted to stay so I could say goodbye. They told me your moving."

"Yes, we are. Going back home. We want to be closer to family." Harry said, and Violet nodded.

"I understand. I'll let you guys go, goodbye." She walked away.

We walked down to the twins classroom and saw them waiting at the door for us.

"You ready to move?" I said, picking Payton up.

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