Chapter 10

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Slinging Blaise into my 'office' I shut the door behind me and pushed him into a sitting position on the bed. Apparently, some of the house-elves had found out about me sleeping in my office last semester, so they equipped my office with a wall push-down bed. I looked down at him for a moment before letting out a laugh and shaking my head.

"You think being a wizard is weird, wait until you find out what you really are,"

Blaise looked at me with wide eyes, "Professor. You said that the sword will pass through any mortal, and Professor Snape said that it wasn't defective, so I'm not mortal- what am I? "

I tiled my head, settling down on my fluffy chair, "You are mortal Blaise, but only half," I said gently, "That's why these swords hurt you- I'm surprised you weren't hurt by them last year,"

"It came easy to me- I... just saw the attacks coming," He said, his voice slowly fading out, "Except when it came to you, you were fast, that Jason fella too- and when you fought Professor Snape- all three of you- that was a fight to see, it was like everything that was normally slowed down was finally put into proper speed,"

He paused- looking up from his hands at me, "You're not moral either- neither is Professor Snape," he said, and I smiled at him, the boy was clever, that was for sure. I motioned for him to continue, "Half-mortal... half-what?"

"We're called Demigods," I said, and his eyes widening almost comically,

"Half-god?!" He said, his voice getting awfully close to squeaking, he cleared his throat roughly. I smiled at him and was about to bring up the system of how the gods... ya know... get with our parents- when there was a blinding blood-red flash, bearly giving me enough time to close my eyes and look away.

When I opened them again Blaise's robes were gone- were smart black suit pants and a button-down that was missing a few top buttons. His hair also got a nice addition with silver and red streaks running through it. His mouth flew open as he glanced down at himself. I grimaced,

"Well. That answers that," I said,

"Answers what?" Blaise squeaked and I looked at him sympathetically, before nodding to the blood-red bow and arrow floating over his head.

"Looks like you're an Eros kid,"


"Wait! Eros? As in Cupid? The muggle creature that goes flying around in a dipper shooting couples!?" Blaise asked, incredulously and I snickered- according to Nico, that was so very far off, but he was an ass to Nico so I had no inclination to be nice to the dude.

"Yeah, so I guess I shout start with Greek and Roman gods are real- well so are Norse and Egyptian, and apparently wizards too- huh- I should probably make a pamphlet" 

"hUh?" Blaise asked, his voice cracking slightly. I grimaced again and backtrack,

"Right- so. You were right, we, are demigods. So is Sevy- but he's a few generations watered down, so he doesn't get all the 'perks' we get." I smiled and drew some water out from the air, letting it pool slightly between us, "As a demi-god you get certain powers passed down from your godly parent, and apparently an magic affinity- you'll have to try your hand with a bow and arrow because of your dad, but that comes later."

I waved my hand dispersing the water again,

"What you need to know right now is that being a demigod is the definition of living on the edge, you are not only susceptible to mortal instruments but godly ones as well." Blaise rolled his eyes- seemingly calming down now that we were in familiar territory -danger.

"Try being a Slytherin with the Dark Lord on the loose," he scoffed and I shook my head,

"Blaise. Voldywarts is the least of your concerns, he will come and go, you fly under his radar. Just the knowledge of the demigod world, however, comes with a major risk. The gods are the only beings associated with the Greek and Roman pantheons,"

Aaaand his eyes were widening again, "Wait- you mean the... creatures?"

"The monsters, yeah- they hate the gods and take revenge on them by taking it out on their children," I nodded

"But- why haven't any attacked me?" He asked, "Is it just because I haven't sought them out?" he asked I shrugged,

"I'm assuming it's the magic, it smothers our scent, most demigods don't make it to adulthood without magic barriers, we call ours 'mist'. It convinces the mortals that everything is normal- you dig into my past and all you'll find is people calling me a terrorist that blew up the Gateway Arch- not that I narrowly escaped being eaten alive by a chihuahua,"

"You what?!" Blaise choked, but I just waved it away,

"Yaaaah- long story- Sevy will have to teach you all the textbook stuff- so you can ask him about my quests- he likes to talk about me way too much anyways." I smirked a bit, "He'll make a better teacher anyways, us Greeks are more of 'Oh! Look at that! We didn't die!' whereas Romans have something called 'discipline' or so I've heard,"

"Ooookay so why now?" Blaise asked

I sighed and shook my head, "Because I made all the gods promise to claim their children by a certain age and you're probably above that age so when I found out about you, he got scared."

"Mhmm," Blaise acknowledged. I smiled at him- it looked like most of the pressing questions were answered so I stood up and patted his head,

"I'mma let you think this over- I'll be right outside, I think I might have a class this period, but you need me, just poke your head out and I'll come back. And don't worry too much about the monsters- I'm a son of one of the big three- if I haven't attracted a monster to this school yet- your presence won't make a difference. We can talk about precautions later,"

Blaise nodded slowly sinking further into the bed, "Yeah, you have my year this period," I paused- sticking my head out and snickering,

"Ah. I see," I said, withdrawing my head and turning to him again, "Think it out-but I wouldn't recommend sleeping just yet,"

"Why's that?" Blaise asked sitting up slightly straighter, I just brushed it off though.

"Pretty much everything is dangerous for a demigod," I said simply, stepping out and clapping my hands together- drawing the attention of the class.

"Who wants to learn a cool trick?" I asked causing the 6th years to grin up at me.

Hey, y'all! This was a fun chapter to write! Slytherins are typically taught to hold it together and roll with the punches so I thought 'why not?' and it was fun breaking him

aaaand this chapters bat pup is: @blue_morpho_fish 

thank you so much for your support!


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