Chapter 6

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Hey guys! SO. as you can see this chapter is bolded- meaning that it is not edited! All of my chapters (of this series) go through a once-over before I post them. Unfortunately, I do not have time to go through it today. That being said- I will get it edited on Monday. SO. If you wish you can hold off until then. If not please enjoy and I'm sorry for any hard to read lines

-as you can see it is no longer bolded I'm leaving this ^^ because I'm lazy and I have an issue with deleting my mistakes (like seriously it's bad) but this chapter to has now gone through my basic screening process.


I glanced around at the shifty figures, my hand instinctively starting to twirl riptide in its grasp.

"I need to go in there alone," Draco said as we came to a stop beside the sign 'Borgin and Burkes' I looked at him for a moment, before looking through the window of the shop- it was empty save for what seemed to be an oily-haired man with a serious poster problem,

"You are to stay within sight of this window, you hear?" I said seriously and he nodded eagerly, I gave him a soft smile before sighing, "I'll give you five minutes before coming in, this area gives off a bad vibe Draco," 

Draco grimaced at the time limit but nodded and slipped into the shop without further complaint. I watched him go before turning around and leaning against the doorframe. 

"Stupid, little, cunning, loyal, protective-," I cut off my mumbling as my eyes caught an odd shadow in a corner.

I locked my spine and stopped spinning riptide, choosing to grip it tightly instead. I stared at that spot. Waiting. 

It moved. I uncapped Riptide, still watching for its next move. But it was already moving away. 

I let out a little sigh as I relaxed back slightly following the shadow with my eyes until it rounded a corner. 

I cast a quick glance back at the store, just to check up on Draco... schist. 

So Voldyworts had really done it. I should start asking Hazel about ways to remove a magical tattoo. At least it wasn't a brand.


"What was Percy doing there?" Harry hissed as they retreated back to the Weasley's shop, 

"Yah! And why was he protecting Draco?" Ron added, Hermione frowning a bit,

"Well, it makes sense." She said drawing the two's attention, "He's declared himself neutral, right?  It must be for the benefit of all students in Hogwarts,"

Ron and Harry nodded, gesturing for her to continue, and she let out a strangled cry, "Well it's obvious isn't it! Malfoy's gotten himself into some mess, and Percy is doing what he can to help him through it! Like he did when you had those Occlumency lessons!" 

Ron and Harry looked at each other before Harry choose to speak up, "So what did Dr-Malfoy do?" he hadn't told his friends about his... friendship?... friendship with Draco and he didn't want them to know. What he and Draco had was theirs, so it was no one else's business, besides theirs. 

And maybe Percy's. 

"You don't reckon it's has something to do with you-know-who do you?" Ron asked causing Harry to bite his lip hard enough to draw blood, god he hoped it wasn't.

"I don't know, but we should keep an eye on him, just in case. If Percy thinks it's worth it..." Hermione trailed off not needing to supply the two with this particular answer. 

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