Chapter 17: Blackout

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"It's no use," Iida states, turning his phone off before shoving it into his pants pocket. "Neither of those two are picking up their phones." 

We're currently waiting for Bakugo and Kirishima to show up. I glance at the clock in the background, reading the time as 6:50 p.m. I plop my chin on my palms as I swing my feet, having a feeling that it's going to be a long night. 

"Knowing Bakugo," Jiro chimes in to the conversation beside me. "He probably didn't bother to show up to this event. And Kirishima would've followed him." 

'Lucky bastards.' I curse them in my mind as I continue swinging my feet while in my chair, maybe I should've just followed their example. I groan swinging my feet up and laying my head on Momo's lap, who's in the chair next to me. She starts playing with my hair like she always does. "While you guys try and go find them," I but into the conversation. "Maybe I should just try and go find the party-" 

"Nonsense, Nakano. I highly recommend that we must stick together. That way we can know the exact location of a student for an emergency." 

I groan loudly, before mumbling, "Oh, Dios mío, nunca puedo hacer nada." And falling back into Momo's lap again. But an emergency alarm scares the hell out of me, making me jump. 

"This is an announcement by the I-Island security system. We have received a report from the security system that an explosive device in the I-Expo area. I-Island will now be in high alert mode.. Residents and tourists should return to their homes or lodgings. Those that have come a long way should go and wait at the nearest evacuation center. Anyone still outside ten minutes from now will be arrested without warning. Please refrain from going outdoors. In addition, most of the main buildings will be sealed off by the security system." 

We all watch as the exits start closing. "Well that's just fan-fucking-tastic!" I exclaim out of sarcasm.      

"My phone has no signal," Todoroki says. "It looks like all reports are being blocked." 

"Seriously..?" Mineta asks. 

Jiro stands in the back, pressing buttons until she frustratedly announces that the elevator isn't working either. "I can't believe the security system would switch into such a high alert mode, just because they found something explosive." Melissa says, with her hand on her chin.

"Iida, let's go to where the party is being held." Izuku says, walking over to him. 

"Why?" Iida questions. 

"Because All Might is at the party." He explains. Uraraka perks up with a sort of relieved expression. "All Might?" 

"Oh, then we have nothing to worry about." Mineta says. I just point at him accusingly, "Nah, you still have something to worry about, after this, we gon' circle back back around to that little comment you made about me earlier today."  

"Melissa, can you somehow get us in?" 

"If we use the emergency stairs, I think we can get close to the party." Melissa answers, gesturing to the door in the back.

"Please lead the way!"


Izuku leans over the railing, flashing his phone light to get All Might's attention from down below. I look over and can see a bunch of people and heroes tied up in this strange blue rope. "All Might noticed us." Izuku announces, putting his phone back in his pocket. Jiro stands to the side, her earphone jack in the ground. "Jiro, could you do it?" I ask, she nods. 

"Please talk, we can hear you."

"Can you hear me? Villains have taken over the tower. They Have control of the security system, and everyone on the island is a hostage. All the heroes have been taken, as well. It's dangerous. Get away from here as soon as possible." 

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