Chapter 5: The Assassin

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He brings me to their hideout. If I was able to escape I could've been able to tell the pro heroes where the location of the hideout was. 

I see the occasional villains, Compress, Twice, Kurogiri in the corner. The lizard dude, and the other guys. "Wassup?" I say, accepting my fate. I try moving my hands in the handcuffs Dabi put on me.

Toga, who was sharpening her knifes in the other corner, looks up and gasps loudly and squeals. "Azu-chan!!" 

"Hi, Toga." I say without enthusiasm, slightly waving in my handcuffs. Toga rushes over to me, "Are you staying, Azu? She is staying, Dabi?" She turns her attention to Dabi. "No. She isn't, but she's gonna be here for a while." 

"Good enough!" Toga squeals. 

"Where's Shiggy?" Dabi asks, Toga points in another direction. Dabi shoves me into Toga's arms, "You watch her, while I talk to him." And he walks away.

"Damn, he's rude." I murmur, there's a sparkle in Toga's eyes. "We're gonna have fun!" 

She now has me sitting in her corner by her and her knifes. "It has been an awfully long time..." Toga makes a pouty face as she strokes her knifes. "They tried to keep us away from each other, and they managed to do a good job of it." 

"Where are you getting at?"

Toga looks up at me, her eyes big and pouty, "What's the matter? You don't like spending time with me?" 

"No, it's not that-"

"By the way, who was that girl you were talking to after class the other day?" 

'Does she mean Momo? Well I can't tell her that.'  

"I don't know." Is all I say,

"You don't know? Well... I trust you and I don't think she'll be a threat much longer..." Toga looks off into space. "What're planning? You better not hurt her!" 

"Oh, nothing." A blush starts to creep up her cheeks. "I've liked you for a while now. Ever since the first time I saw you fight. Such a strong quirk... I knew I had to have it.

My eyes widen, I've seen Toga work her magic before, I know what she's about to do to me. But I guarantee she won't. 

"No wonder the hero academy wants you around... you know you'd be a great fit for the League-" Toga suddenly gasps, "I think that's what Shiggy wants you for!"

"Where is she?" The familiar raspy voice hollers. 

"Can I have 5 more minutes with her?" Toga pleads. 

"No." Is a Shigaraki says, before grabbing me roughly by my arm, causing me to tumble forward towards him. He throws me down in a chair and Toga ties me up. 

"You know, remember that last time you kidnapped me? Under the full moon? Yeah, I bet you were scared as shit. When I was turning into that blood monster, I was thinking of eating you first-" 

"Does she always talk this much?" 

"Kind of." 

"Man, you're both rude." 

"Look," Shigaraki says, getting to the point. "I know you'll say no, that's why I'm putting your friends' lives on the line. Your power is rare and you can end someone's life with the flick of your wrist if you wanted you. Like mine." 

"I'm seriously thinking about it." I growl.

"That's fine." He shrugs "Then we'll kill your friends." I glare at him. 

"You'd be perfect for an assassin... if you have the ninja like skills like your father-Which he told me he taught you already-then you'd fit the image." 

"Like I'd ever work for you!" 

"You don't work, then friends go bye-bye." Toga says, doing a waving motion.

Shigaraki turns his attention back to me, and it seems like he's studying me. "Are you not afraid of me?"

"Why would I be?" I say, "You tied me up. I think you're afraid of me." 

"One touch and your done, does that frighten you?"

"Like you said, one flick of my wrist and you're done." 

He smiles. A smile?! What the fuck?!

"You've got spunk, I like you." He grins. 

"I'm still not gonna be an assassin for you." 

He grin fades. "You haven't considered your friends, have you?" 

"I have..." 

"I got a spy, close to U.A. grounds. On my command they can kill whichever student I order. Maybe I should do that floaty girl? Or the Endeavor kid? Maybe the blonde one? What about the pink-" 

"Okay, fine!" I shout, his attention turns back to me. "I'll be your fucking assassin, but only if you leave my friends alone."

He leans back in his chair with another grin, "Whatever you say, princess."

"Don't call me that."

"What? You're Villain Royalty." 

Shigaraki gave me some instructions of where to report, and I put it in my phone, the rest of what he said was blur. I refused to speak to no one but Toga (only 'cause she made it too hard to ignore her)


                                                 ~ The Next Day ~

When I walk inside the dorm house everyone rushes to me and bombards me with questions. 

"Where were you?" 

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

I reply with,"I'm fine. My Christmas when great." Everyone seems to buy that. People were always talking about rumors of a U.A. traitor. Who would've thought that I'm the traitor... The fucking League's assassin. 

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