(As Kincaid pushed sidney and Jake out of the way as sidney hit her head knocking her out as Jake Dewey and Gale tried to get her to wake up as Kincaid got stabbed in the shoulder and fights Ghostface)

Jake: sid sid wake up! Please sidney!

(As sidney woke up and pulled out the gun and tries to shoot it but it's out of bullets)

Sidney: you want us motherfucker

Jake: come and get us

Dewey: run!

(As Jake and sidney tried to run out the back door but was locked as they ran the other way as Ghostface slams into the door as Jake and sidney go into a room and locked the door as Ghostface is trying to break the door off as sidney and Jake found a secret passage in the book shelf as they go inside As they hear the voice of sidney's mother again)

Maureen: sid sid Jake come in here please

(As they walk towards the voice as they see a screening room )

Maureen: it's just me kids

(As they see old footage of Maureen)

Maureen: oh I was so pretty everybody loved me have you missed me sidney and Jake the son I always wanted

(As someone walks in with a bloody sheet on them )

Maureen: would you both like to hold me one last time what's the matter
What are you both stairing at don't you remember your

Ghostface: mother (As he takes the sheet off showing it was Ghostface)

(As Jake and sidney try to run out Ghostface pulls out a controller and looks the door)

Ghostface: neither of you are not going anywhere it's time you both came to terms with me and with mother maybe neither of you knew her at all maybe you both can't get past the surface of things (As he opened his robe to see he's wearing a bullet proof vest)

Sidney: who the hell are you

Ghostface: the other half of you sidney I searched for a mother too
An actress named Rina Reynolds

(As they see footage of Maureen having affairs with cotton and Billy's dad )

Ghostface: tried to find her my whole life and four years ago I actually tracked her down knocked at her door thinking she'd welcome me with open arms but she had a new life and a new name Maureen Prescott (looking at sidney) you were the only child she claimed sidney she shut me out in the cold forever (looking at Jake) thinking her daughters best friend could fill my place as her son

(As Ghostface takes off the mask to be revealed as Roman Bridger the director of stab 3 )

Roman: Roman Bridger director (Holds up the voice box and speaks into it) and brother (Then puts it down) she slammed the door in my face she said I was rina's child and rina was dead and it struck me what a good idea! So I watched her I made a little home movie a little family film
It seems Maureen mom she really got around I mean cotton was one thing
Everybody knew about that but Billy's father that was the key (looking at sidney) your ex boyfriend didn't like seeing his daddy in my film too much
He didn't like it at all but once I supplied the motivation all the kid needed was a few pointers have a partner to sell out in case you get caught find someone to frame it was like he was making a movie

Sidney: you this is all because of you

Jake: you sick bastard

Roman: I'm a director guys (turns off the projector) I direct I Had no idea that they were gonna make a film of their own what a film it turned out to be huh I mean introducing sidney and Jake the victims sidney and Jake the lovers sidney and Jake the survivors sidney and Jake the stars!

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