The Woman

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While I was clearing the evidences of my mistake and reasoning out why I had done something like this  I hear footsteps of a man.

He saw what I was doing ...
He had a bag in his hand too I took the risk to break the silence.

"Ahm.. I suppose we both know what we are doing" I said in a rather grave tone, trying to show my caution..

"Ya.. I know what your doing... Some things just need to be done either by me or someone like you" he said nonchalantly in a way trying to convince me that it's alright.

But I had my doubts. He sounds like a mad man. Well I have doubts on my own sanity here but I need to be a little aloof.
"So just out of curiousity why did you do it? " he asked.

I didn't know what to say or mostly I was just  not in the best place to start narrating why I had to kill my wife for constantly nagging about my life choices ,asking money in the name of a sick person in the hospital who wasn't even related to her and if I didnt give her the money the  she made sure I felt terrible and never supporting my career ,she always made sure I feel like a loser even though I was trying my best to run the family and last but not the least for cheating on me .

Sometimes you just love a person so much that when that person does something so out of the mind that the whole amount of love just turns into a mountain of hate. And then when you realise what you lose it pains the most. So you just start hating the person more for being the reason of the pain and get over the guilt.

"Hey.. Where you lost bud.. I asked you why you did it.. If your okay sharing it? " he asked me.

"Uhh.. I think  it would rather be silly telling a stranger about .. about this" I backed off and started dragging the bag towards the bank of the river.

"Well pal.. I'll tell you mine... I just want to take it off my chest.. And you may be the first and last person to ever hear this" he said and almost took off to say a syllable or two before I interrupted.

"What do you mean last? What's you intention there man???" I said with my voice breaking a little. I was not the most experienced killer but I know where this conversation would go .

"Well chill dude.. You will be the last because you don't expect me to go crying around the police telling them why I did it.. I mean they would show the least empathy towards me.. I mean obviously.. So I am gonna tell you bud" "It's the....its the body of..of my mother....she..she was a sweet and nice lady but....she was in pain. When I say pain.. I mean the worse kind.. I won't say anything more than this.. She asked me to do this to her.. That was how much torture she was going through"he said.

He looked serious..dead serious. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know whether to believe or not. After all how could I?

"Pain thats what brings either the best Or worst of people. I am sorry" And I threw the body into the river and walked away when he caught my shoulder. I froze.

"So you're going?" He asked ,his tone changed now.. His voice lost all the charm and energy it had before.

"Yes, I mean my works done here"I said escaped his grasp on my shoulder.
And as I was walking away he asked "was it a woman? "

I stopped and looked back and answered "yes" slightly nodding. After a pause of 2 min
He said "I loved her"
I walked away.

I got into my car and started driving through the high way. I started thinking about the person...strange man, but in some way he made me feel better even though I don't deserve to feel better. And suddenly it striked my mind.
Who did he love? Was he talking about my wife?Who was he?Was his mother the sick person my wife talked about?I figured it out..

And just then in a crossroad a truck came and hit my car. My car turned over and one of the glasses stabbed my chest. "I was in pain".

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