I render an apology.
"I'm_I'm sorry, it just left my mouth like that. Wasn't meant to sound that bad though. Poor filter" I nervously chuckle.

He nods, wiping his head slightly causing his moist hair to dangle dangerously close to his eyes. Now he looks like a real bad boy, I begin to see a strong resemblance with his brother.

Although Eric has a more subtle dainty essence. They're not identical as I thought before, Eric looks more like his mother Catherine, with those soft features and a soft heart.

"I want to apologize on behalf of my brother, I know you guys started on the wrong foot, and knowing my brother he's not the best behaved but he's a good person" I roll my eyes at that.

"When I didn't see you on the bench at my practice as planned I got worried so I asked Cherry your friend. She told me what happened. I'm so sorry I didn't take it that it was this serious" he apologizes, staring at my bandaged hand.

"It's okay Eric, I'm fine now even though it hurts sometimes. You know, you shouldn't be cleaning your brother's dirt for him, he should own up to his mess" I say.

"I know but he wouldn't even admit to anything. I just... It's been difficult on him especially since dad left. "

"Your parents are divorced?" I utter.

Eric is suddenly laughing, his laughter coming out in fits.

"Why are you laughing? What's funny?"

"You... You're so funny. I mean you literally jumped when you heard my parents are divorced. Well not divorced just separated"

"Oh, well I thought, finally somebody understands me" I exclaim throwing my right arm up.

"Yours too?" he asks.

"Divorced and I hate my dad, Fred" I try to keep it short and precise. I don't want to spoil my mood by talking about him.

"I guess you and Einstein have more in common than you guys can think of, he begrudges my dad for leaving us. Dad used to be his role model, you know, he switched to sciences to spite dad but it turns out Einstein is an all-rounder" he says smiling at me.

"I think you are too. You're good-looking, all the girls want you and you're the football team's captain, what else?"

"For real?... So you want me to Emma Eric?" he's poking a reply from me.

"What?... I didn't say that, did I?" I deny.

"But you insinuated that. I'm every girl's dream ain't I? So I'm yours too?"

"Are you flirting with me right now Eric? Because that's a shame" I make a face.

Oh god, that's the sweetest move I've ever seen in my entire life as a teenager. I try not to blush all over.

"The flowers are so beautiful" I deflate the thick air, watching where mum had meticulously placed them inside a glass of water.

"How did you get my address?" I'm suddenly curious.

"Uh... I have my ways you know?" he winks at me.

"Be serious, I almost guessed it was Cheryl who gave it to you"

"Oh no not Cherry," he says, clicking on his phone like he's texting someone, he's been doing that for a while now spacing out but I ignore him.

"Oh, why do you keep calling her that?"

"What?" he's distracted from the phone now.

"Cherry. That's not her name you know?"

"Hell no!!" he exclaims with a chortling sound. "I've known her as Cherry since junior year"

"It's Cheryl.... pronounced sher-ryl, not Cherry" I correct. My friend will be really mad if she finds out her crush doesn't even know her real name, so sad.

"I also brought you this" he's extending his arms to me holding a pink-colored case.

"No way!! You got me a new pen?"

"Yeah, it's a replacement for the one I broke in the hallway. I promised to get you a new one didn't I?"

"Yeah, but I thought I told you not to, I mean it's irreplaceable because my granny gave that to me with her blessings? But thanks anyway" I'm holding the replica of my lucky pen.

Eric is such a sweet guy, he just does little but sweet things for me. And as I look at him on that sofa, he looks so handsome and at home in that position. I think I like him.

"Are you strong enough, we could go grab some ice cream at the mall, I'll tell my driver to take us if you're okay with it?"

Oh my poor heart, are we going out on a date already?... I'm gulping down spits at this point to avoid choking on them.

"W... Well if mum's okay with it then..." I shrug.

We ask mummy Joanna and she doesn't hesitate to allow me to have a breath of fresh air so I go up to get changed not before dissuading Eric from seeing my room.

He's so tenacious but I try, it's too private for me at this point but he budged finally.

When I climbed down in my off-shoulder sleeves and blue jeans with my coiffed hair, he couldn't stop staring. He had to take a picture for keep's sake.


And look who's getting along🤗

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