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Ok but can we just take time to appreciate how funny Brian is I'm the movie? Like go back and watch it and look for those Brian moments I find him hilarious.

Y/n POV:
The next day mom was throwing a BBQ for some of Conners team mates. I woke up and put on a nice "summery" outfit and did my hair + makeup(if you wear any). I go down stairs at around 8:30 am and see my mom outside on the patio.

"Morning mom" I said as I popped my head out the door. "Hey sweetie, can you help me with setting up in a bit?" She asks as she gets up  and starts walking inside. "Yeah of course, how many of Conners team mates are coming" I ask.

She starts counting silently on her fingers. "Around 7" she answered. Conner came into the kitchen still wearing his pjs. "Hey Conner" I say as I walk over to him, he lazily raises his hand and high fives me as I walk by.

I pass time in my room until my mom called me down at 12. I go down stairs and help set up stuff like get the plates, napkins and silver wear out and help with salads. By the time I was done everything I needed to do it was 1pm.

Conner and Harlan walk into the kitchen. "Hey we're gonna play some video games down stairs wanna come?" Conner asks. "Yeah sure" I said and we go down to the basement to play games and wait for the others.

Paulie showed up, then Marco, then a couple other guys and lastly Brian. "Hey guys sorry I'm late my mom made me do the dishes" Brian said as he sat down on the couch beside me. "You're not even late yet, Conners mom said to be here at 3 and it's only 2:30" said Paulie.

I nod in agreement and watch Conner vs Marco in CoD. "Y/n Conner! Your dads here!" Mom yells down the stairs. Everyone rushes upstairs except for Conner. "You not coming?" I ask him. "I don't want to see him." Conner says firmly.

"Alright I'll see you up in a bit" I say as I pay his shoulder and head up stairs. I turn the corner and immediately run into Brian. "Ah- sorry Brian" I say with a small laugh. "It's fine, don't worry about it" he said with a smile. He put his hand no my shoulder as he walked past me.

Butterflies. Tall, blonde, handsome, funny, football guy, what's not to love? Wait hold on this is Conners team mate I don't think he'd like that...whatever. I see the boys standing around dad as they talk about football. I stand beside Brian and lean on the back of Paulies chair.

"Y/n, do you play any sports?" Brian asks me while everyone else is talking. "Y/f/s(your favourite sport)" I say. "Nice" Brian said before he got cut off my my mom. "Lady and gentlemen food ready outside!" My mom said.

I walked over to wait for Conner. "You coming?" Asked Brian. "Yeah yeah im just waiting for Conner" I said. He nods and walks outside with the rest of the boys. "Hey thanks for waiting for me" Conner said and we walked outside.

"I was just to shy to go with everyone else" I admitted and laughed. "Of course" Conner said and laughed. "What are you two goofs laugh about" Marcos asked. "Just Y/n being scared of you guys" Conner replied as he started to grab some food.

"Ok I'm not scared of them I never said that" I defended as I also grabbed food. "You basically did" he replied. I rolled my eyes and me and Conner went to sit down at the table. We started talking a bunch and I got to know them better then before.

I think I'm the most comfortable around Harlan and Brian, well besides Conner that is. "You guys aren't as weird as I thought you would be" I joked. "Except Brian" I added with a smile towards him. "Wow really killing my vibe" Brian said.

"Alright we have a game tomorrow, don't get your hopes up cause we're playing the knights" Conner explained. "We're the worst team in the league we're bound to lose no matter who we play" Harlan commented. "He's right" said Paulie.

The boys had practice so we all got our stuff together and headed to the field. Dad was yelling at Conner the entire time. I got put in charge of the water bottles, just refilling them and stuff not too hard. "Brian, stop finishing your water so you can see Y/n" said Coach Troy. I smiled and laughed slightly.

I couldn't see Brian's reaction since he was turned away from me but based off Conners reaction it was a good one. After a few minutes Brian comes back over with his empty water bottle. "Empty again?" I ask with a sly smile.

"No it's full" he says as he hands it to me. "Yup feels full" I say as I take off the cap and start filling it up. "How's practice?" I ask him. "Good I think, we're still horrible" he says as I hand him his water.

"You're not that bad" I said. "We lose every game we play" Brian reminds me. "Yeah I meant you, you're, personally great" I said with a smile. "How sweet" Conner teased as he comes over with his water bottle. "Brian get back on the field" Conner says and Brian runs off with a small smile.

"See you later" I said to Conner after he was done with his water bottle. Conner runs back out and says something to Brian making him look back at me and quickly look away.


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