Chapter 71 - The Last Day

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Kyra was glad she had set herself an alarm for the next morning. She was the kind of person to sleep in normally, but this morning was an exception. In the end she put it down to her aura usage yesterday, or at least her resistance to it.

Lucario had gotten up just before the alarm had gone off and she got Kyra's clothes ready. A fairly common thing now since Lucario enjoyed helping Kyra out as much as possible.

Kyra thanked Lucario for leaving her less to do. It made actually willing herself to get out of bed in the mornings that extra bit easier. She and Lucario were lucky to have one another to say the least.

Lucario had packed away Kyra's blanket was ready to go by the time Kyra came back into the bedroom. She quickly put her pyjamas in her bag and they went downstairs to meet with N and Zoroark who had once again saved the corner table.

There was just about time to have breakfast before heading out, pleasing Kyra since she knew all she would want to do in the plane was sleep.

The airport was luckily quite quiet, much to Kyra's relief. She was normally able to handle her anxiety about airports since Nate and Willow were with her and they knew she hated crowds, but today looked like she wouldn't have that issue. There was still a bit of time before the flight, so N brought Kyra and Lucario a souvenir whilst she went to find seats by their gate.

"Here, Lentimas Town prides itself on its clay pottery. This one's themed around Fighting Types, and since you hope to be a Fighting Type Elite Four Member some day, it reminded me of you both," N explained, handing the intricately decorated pot to Kyra.

Kyra and Lucario were amazed by how beautiful the pot was, this would definitely be put to good use. Since her Glaceon had accidentally broken the last holder she had used for her stationary, this pot would have a purpose...and Glaceon would no longer be allowed on Kyra's desk.

"It's beautiful, thank you," Kyra thanked, carefully putting it in her bag for safe keeping. N was glad he and Zoroark had picked out the right pot, it had felt right.

Their plane soon reached the airport and they boarded once they were allowed to do so. This plane was much smaller than the mainline passenger planes Kyra was used to seeing, she didn't mind though, it made this one feel much safer since it was just them and an elderly couple couple sat near the front.

"How long is the flight roughly?" Kyra asked with a yawn, despite having slept fairly well last night, she wasn't going to turn down the opportunity of extra rest.

"Shouldn't be more than a couple of hours, probably less. I take it you want some more sleep?" N replied.

Kyra nodded and she asked Lucario to grab a pillow from the bag, Lucario did so and Kyra was asleep in minutes. Lucario didn't mind Kyra getting some extra rest since it meant she could too, she had been up most of the night worrying that Kyra and her aura were losing harmonity again.

N and Zoroark ended up quietly chatting away for the majority of the flight. They had a lot to talk about considering they were no technically Unova's Champion.

By the time the plane landed in Virbank City, Kyra and Lucario were much better rested and full of energy. Perhaps the prospect of getting more Brycen merchandise was motivation.

Victoria was waiting in the lobby since her boat from Castelia City had docked not too long ago. It was perfect timing really.

"Shall we meet in Aspertia City later, there'll be a flight back to Sinnoh so you two can get back either this evening or tomorrow morning. Zoroark and I aren't too fussed about Pokéstar Studios, so we're going to head to the Virbank Complex then go to Aspertia City once we've had a look around. It's a fairly simple path, these two cities are the only two settlements beside Floccesy Town in this area of Unova, so it's pretty much impossible to get lost," N explained, he wanted to do some training and the Virbank Complex was no better place to do that.

Kyra and Victoria didn't mind having the day to themselves, Pokéstar Studios had a lot on offer, and they could give Floccesy Town an explore before or after lunch depending on how long they spent idolising more over Brycen.

Pokéstar Studios was a sight to behold to say the least. Not only was it where a lot of Unovan media was filmed and produced, it also had a smaller studio for starting out actors and actresses, or for people who just wanted to have some fun. Kyra was at first interested in having a go at filming a skit or two, but then her anxiety kicked in and she decided to just look at the merchandise with Victoria.

The merchandise stalls definitely did not disappoint, there were two stalls solely for Brycen merchandise, then a lot of other stalls selling mixed merchandise. It was near impossible to decide on just a couple of things to buy, but eventually Kyra made her decision.

Since the posters were of the three for the price of one offer, Kyra picked out her three favourites as an easy decision. Then she also brought herself a figure of Brycen and Beartic battling Kyurem, it was a tad on the pricey side, but it was well worth the money she paid.

Victoria brought herself one of the figures too since it was by far her favourite scene in the movie. She was glad she and Kyra had got chance to visit Pokéstar Studios together.

By the time the two were finished in Pokéstar Studios, it was too early to head straight to Floccesy Town, but too late to grab lunch in Virbank City, so they headed to Floccesy Ranch which was in between the two. One of the Ranch's specialities, besides having lots of Mareep, was their fresh fruit, so rather than buying a proper lunch since neither on was that hungry, they both brought one of the strawberry shortcakes which were by far the most recommended item on the small cafés menu.

There was a perfect balance between strawberry, cream, and cake. It was complete and utter bliss.

"Well I know what desert I'll be practicing making for your eighteenth," Victoria commented, laughing slightly at how much Kyra was enjoying the cake.

Victoria always made Kyra's birthday cakes since it made them feel that extra bit special, plus Victoria's cake baking skills were some of the best. By far Kyra's favorite desert of all time was Victoria's chocolate fudge cake, but this cake was easily in her top three favourites.

"It's so good. Not as good as your chocolate fudge cake, but still amazing," Kyra replied.

Victoria smiled, "Well it is your eighteenth...I could do you two cakes."


"I'm not making any promises, but I'll see what I can do. The chocolate fudge cake will always be a fan favourite, it's Sonia's favourite too and since she's coming to spend some time with us, the chocolate fudge cake is a must," Victoria replied, making Kyra even happier now she knew Sonia would be coming.

It was still a little while until Kyra's birthday, the 15th of March, but that would come round very quickly considering how quickly her last two journeys had seemed to pass. Kyra, Nate, and Willow would wait in Sinnoh for a while since they didn't want to get too cold should they decide to camp outside, so by the time they had finished in Kalos it would practically be Kyra's eighteenth birthday.

Kyra, Lucario, and Victoria spent a bit of time looking around Floccesy Town before deciding to head to Aspertia City to meet with N, there wasn't all that much to do, and Kyra wanted to see if N would be up for a two on two battle before she left Unova.

N and Zoroark was waiting atop  Aspertia City's lookout. Kyra and Lucario felt a similar vibe to what they had done when they first met N when they were looking out from Accumula Town. This was the best place N could have chosen to meet.

"I know you said you wanted to take a bit of a break from battling, but, would you perhaps be up for a two on two? Liepard and Zoroark really want a rematch with Samurott and Lucario. Feel free to say no, I just thought it'd be a nice idea before you go," N asked, hoping Kyra would at least consider his battle request.

Kyra nodded, "I was going to ask the same thing. This lookout is much the same as the one we first met on, I could hardly say no. A two on two won't do me any harm."

Victoria was more than happy to referee, not only could she see Kyra battle alongside her pokémon again, she would also get chance to see how N battled. From what she had heard, this would make for an interesting battle considering how similar the two were in terms of technique.

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