Chapter 22 - Unusual Training

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Much to Kyra and Lucario's relief, Willow was still asleep by the time they woke up the next morning. Kyra quickly and quietly got changed then wrote a note to Willow to explain where she and Lucario were going.

Just letting you know that Lucario and I are heading out for an early morning training session. There's the Driftveil Drawbridge along Route 5, if we meet there at about twelve-ish, we can have lunch together before heading to Driftveil City. Don't ask about the training later, I won't be saying anything, so don't try. I'll see you later.

Lucario read the note over Kyra's shoulder, still confused as to why Kyra was reluctant to tell Nate and Willow what they would be doing as training. Nate and Willow hadn't discouraged the two training with Bone Rush on each other before, so why would they this time?

Kyra stayed quiet so as not to wake Willow up until she and Lucario were out of the room and continued said silence until she and Lucario were on their way to Route 5 to train. She knew she had to come clean to Lucario sooner or later.

"It's more than just Bone Rush I want you to use on me whilst we're training, that's why I haven't said anything to Nate or Willow," Kyra explained, deciding it was best to tell Lucario the truth now rather than later.

Lucario was surprised to hear what Kyra had said, this wasn't the kind of training they had agreed to in the past. "No, I could seriously hurt you."

"That's why I want you to use your other moves on me," Kyra replied.

Lucario was disproving of how Kyra was acting, this wasn't like her at all. "What are you saying? It doesn't make sense. Why would you want me to hurt you?"

"Team Plasma. I'm worried Colress is working for them, hence I want to know how to block your attacks should it come to it," Kyra replied, hoping Lucario would listen to reason.

Lucario was still confused. So what if Colress was a part of Team Plasma?

"He said he was investigating the bonds between trainer and pokémon when we first met, and since he saw us, he could want to make use of you in a way you can't control. That Scolipede in Pinwheel Forest, from what I saw of it, it's eyes were a different colour to that of the one in the pokédex. It's not Scolipede's shiny form, so I think that Scolipede was controlled. Colress could very well be investigating bonds between trainer and pokémon to see whether it's possible for a trainer's partner to be controlled into turning against their trainer and harming them. If that is the case, I want to be able to defend myself," Kyra explained, she couldn't hide her suspicions for any longer and trusted Lucario with them.

Now that Lucario understood why Kyra was suggesting she attacked her, she was happier to agree to it. If it was for Kyra's own good and it could stop the two hurting one another, she was willing to help out.

"Alright, we'll do that for today. Although I'll still be starting off with just Bone Rush since you know how to defend yourself from that," Lucario agreed, letting Kyra have her way.

Kyra thanked her and she let the rest of her pokémon out so they could do some training too, knowing it was best for everyone to get some training done for the next Gym.

"Are we training together again?" Darumaka asked eagerly, she had thoroughly enjoyed the training she had done with Kyra thus far and was looking forward to doing more.

Kyra nodded, pleased by Darumaka's eagerness, "Yeah, I figured that our journey will only get tougher from here on out, we're going to need all the training we can get, especially with just the four of you," she replied, although she was slightly worried about only having four pokémon heading towards the fifth Gym, she was still willing to let fate decide her team. It had done her well thus far after all.

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