Chapter 47 - Cold Call

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As the group went to leave the Gym, Kyra saw something out of the corner of her eyes that made her blood run cold. Team Plasma's ship. Her nightmare was becoming a reality.

Before having much time to react, the ship started blasting out chunks of ice that coated the city. Kyra and Lucario saw one coming right towards the Gym; they were in its direct line of sight.

Kyra and Lucario managed to move away just in time, the front of the Gym now frozen over. It was now just them, alone. Fending for themselves against Team Plasma.

"Keep an eye out for any blasts of ice. I don't want you getting hit," Kyra warned.

Lucario nodded, "Make sure you're careful too. If we stay on the move, we're less likely to be spotted."

Kyra followed Lucario's suggestion and she used the ice to slide over to an area sheltered by the overhang of a building. Lucario slid over after Kyra, offering to take the bag so Kyra would find it easier to slide around. Kyra was reluctant to agree to the idea after the nightmare last night, but at the same time, she was Team Plasma's ultimate target.

The two knew they had to make a plan, but that opportunity was soon flung out of the window when a blast of ice closed off the way they had slid in from. Staying where they were wouldn't end well, they would have to find somewhere else.

No matter where Kyra and Lucario slid to, the blasts of ice were never far behind. They were running out of places to slide to, the sheer amount of ice now covering their surroundings meant they were sliding for longer and stood less chance at getting away. There was only one thing left they could do.

"Do you think you can possibly deflect the ice away," Kyra asked, hoping to finally work out how to get to safety.

Lucario doubted what she'd be able to do, even if she could use Aura Sphere or Flash Cannon, she had sensed the ice had been formed by a powerful pokémon. It was worth a shot, anything was worth a shot to protect Kyra.

As Lucario sent her Aura Sphere towards the next blast of ice, she and Kyra were dismayed by what they saw as the Aura Sphere was destroyed with ease.

Lucario knew there was only one thing she could do to protect Kyra now, so she pushed her out of the way just before the blast of ice could hit.

Kyra's nightmare had come true, she had no way of thawing out the ice that now encased her partner. She got back to her feet and walked over, hoping that was at least something she could try.

"Lucario...I'm sorry," Kyra apologised as she realised there was nothing she could do.

Nate and Willow were trapped inside the Gym, Darmanitan was inside the bag Lucario was wearing. There was no way of thawing the ice out. Kyra had been furious with Team Plasma to begin with, but now, furious didn't even begin to describe how she felt towards them.

Kyra noticed that the ship had landed now and she searched for any sign of it. She knew true well she was going into a trap, but she had no other choice, she wouldn't be able to get her partner back any other way.

It didn't take long for Kyra to hear what she needed to. It was faint and she had only just about heard it, but there was no mistaking Ghetsis' sinister tone. No doubt Ghetsis was the one behind this.

Kyra slid over towards where she had heard Ghetsis, for now she had to keep her temper at bay and hope her aura didn't take control. No matter how annoyed she was, fighting Ghetsis simply wasn't going to happen, especially since she had no back up compared to the six other people, much stronger than Kyra was, that Ghetsis had.

"I was wondering when you'd be joining us. Shame about what happened to you Lucario, too bad you could have avoided it," Ghetsis said once he saw Kyra.

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