Chapter Eleven: Not This Again...

Start from the beginning

"Now now, be a good girl for the nurse." Sneered a voice, as I easily recognised it as the Dr's. My head whipped round to see the large observation filled with Team Pitch grunts, until my eyes fell on a familiar face.


My mind was immediately filled with worry, as the Dr signalled to a grunt who walked menacingly to N, punching him square on in the face as his head whipped round and he cried out.

"N!" I screamed, as my entire body froze, glaring at the Dr as he smiled easily at me, a glint in his eye.

"Will you behave now?" He asked, almost as if he was talking to a small child.

I nodded.

My gaze switched to the nurse next to me, as I felt the scratchiness in my arm as the needle buried itself in my flesh, injecting the weakening serum into me. I felt the chemicals burn throught my viens as it was pumped through my body, weakening every barrier I had between me and what the Dr had done to me. It felt like my body was on fire. An involuntary scream was torn from my throat as my back arched in pain, my body convulsing as I felt power ripple through my body.

What I wouldn't give to unleash it all on the nurse and that Arceus forsaken Blissey. But I couldn't, not when they could hurt N.

The last think I remembered was the pain before I blacked out.


Zach's POV

We where finally on the road, fully stocked for the joirney ahead as we trundled down the dirt path. It was peaceful, before Roy started complaining.

"My feet hurt!"

"We can have a rest in a minute."

"I'm hungry!"

"You only had breakfast half an hour ago.!"

"My feet still hurt. I can't walk any further! Can you carry me?" He whined, as I sighed quickly. This boy was really starting to give me a head-ache.


"Yay! Piggyback time!" He cried, as I transferred my backpack to my hands, feeling the weight of Roy thump omto my back as I linked my arms through his legs. I could feel his arms wrap around my neck as he got himself comfy.

"Just try not to hoke me, okay?" I asked quickly, as I heard him mumble something behind my head. I knew we should have left him behind.

"What's the plan then?" Izzy quizzed, grabbing my bag from me as I smiled gratefully at her.

"There's a shortcut through route 16 that can get us nearer the lighthouse quicker, but we need to try and find a boat that isn't survalanced, or Team Pitch ill know where coming. All I know is that we're going to get Chloe back." I repeated surely, only to realise how much I hadn't sorted the plan out. I could fight if needed, sure, but it could only get me so far.

"So that sounds like a brilliant plan." She replied sarcastically, as I gave her a glare.

"You're the one that wanted to come." I retorted, as she just shrugged.

"Hey, stop!" Someone shouted, as I spun round to see a policeman running up to us.

"Can I see your Trainer I.D. please?" He asked quickly, still panting from running up to us.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked, routing through my poket before I found it, immediately cringing at the picture on it.

"The pokemon around here have been acting more aggressive than usual. We've had to put a shutdown on the route to anyone under three badges, and it seems here you have none." He explained as I frowned, until I realised that it wouldn't say gym leader on it anymore. Damn.

"I'm a gym leader officer. I'm sure they'll be safe with me."

"I'm sorry ma'm, but in a party of three, at least two trainers has to have at least three badges, or be a gym leader. It's the rules, I don't make them. So if you have any complaints, give them to the police commander." He stated, as I sighed heavily. It would take a week at the least to navigate around the route, including a mountain pass that would be better avoided.

"But sir, this is urgent that we get through here. It'll take a week to go round the route...."

"Not my problem." He replied smoothly, as I growled in frustration. I was going to get nowhere with him. With a grunt, I turned my back on him, retracing the steps we had taken for the last hour. It looks like I'll just have to get the gym badges. Well, at least it means I could get a headstart for challenging the league.

And getting my gym back.

But most importantly, I would soon be back for Chloe. Arceus help her now.


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