Night Four

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You dream that you're falling and on your way down you hit the back of your head and upper chest on pipes. You wake up when you hit the floor and feel your chest to feel tears of some kind, you turn on your lamp to see damaged tissue and you hurry to the bathroom to check on your head. You Jerry-rig some mirrors so you can see the back and low and behold you had bloodied hair. Taking some healing salve and some bandages you wrap up your chest and apply an single large bandage to your head after taking a buzz cutter and removing the hair to see a large gash. After that you do the same routine for the sixth time now but tired, and pretty unmotivated. You grab something to eat and a cup of coffee and you're out the door driving to work. You park and exit the car and look up to see the bright neon display, remembering that you didn't tell the engineer, or at least what's left of him. You guess that's why don't yiff Foxy is on the list of rules. You walk inside after punching in the code. When you arrive at the office you nearly have a heart attack when you're tackled by your repaired friend. Spilling your hot coffee all over you and the floor.
O. Freddy: Y/N!
Y/N: Hi...
O. Freddy: What's this brown liquid on your shirt?
Y/N: My happiness...
O. Freddy: Oh no did I do something wrong?!
Y/N: I was kidding it's just coffee, now regretting not putting a lid on it, or adding ice...
O. Freddy: You okay?
Y/N: It burns like hell so please get off so I can find another shirt to wear.
O. Freddy: Oh right! Sorry.
You take your button up and under shirt off as they're both stained by coffee.
O. Freddy: What are these white lines on your belly?
Y/N: Scars
O. Freddy: How'd you get them?
Y/N: Got shot.
O. Freddy: Like a syringe or something?
Y/N: No bullets, cute try though.
O. Freddy: How'd you get "shot"?
You start to tear up as you remember how the base was raided.
Y/N: I was a volunteer for the Military, medical help. A lot of soldiers needed me.
O. Freddy: Are you okay?
Y/N: I'm fine it's just a hard story to tell.
You wipe your eyes with what dry parts of your shirt exist.
Y/N: It was an Afghanistan auxiliary base, didn't stand a chance for what we faced in the end. The east wall was destroyed and terrorists flooded the place, my brothers in arms fell to those fucks.
O. Freddy: Why were you guys there?
Y/N: We had intel on every single base and weapons stash, all we had to do was camp out and evacuate the next day.
O. Freddy: What happened next?
Y/N: Before grabbing the intel I got shot a multitude of times, not penetrating just surface level, and I was shoved and yelled at to hide with the intel so that we at least left with something. I was locked in one of the base's cellars and when day came it opened. Man was I relieved to see the military. I got out of there and saw everybody that I had been working with for the past few months dead. Calling them Swiss cheese would be an understatement. And that's how I got these scars.
O. Freddy: That sounds awful.
Y/N: It gets worse, I was held in court for assumptions that I was the one who ratted out the base location until it was found that one of the refugees had told them where we were.
O. Freddy: Dang.
Y/N: I'll be right back got to find something to clean this mess.
O. Freddy: Okay, I'll be here!
You get up and walk away brushing away tears as you go finding your way to the janitor's closet, grabbing cleaning supplies and a spare Freddy shirt you walk back to the mess.
Y/N: Let's clean this up shall we?
O. Freddy: Yup!
You both clean the floor and put your stained clothes in a bag for washing later. You check the time to see it's half past 2.
Y/N: That took awhile.
O. Freddy: Sure did, but at least we can rest now!
Y/N: You can feel tired?
O. Freddy: Can you?
Y/N: You are so odd, smell, exhaustion. You may as well be a human being.
O. Freddy: Nope! I like who I am! Being a human sounds boring!
Y/N: It is. Get up we're going in.
O. Freddy: Okay!
As usual you lend a helping hand in getting her back on her feet and walking, but this time was strange. Instead of holding onto your shoulder for reliance she wraps herself around your arm.  You sit her down in the swivel chair and you just sit on the desk.
O. Freddy: Why don't you sit in the chair?
Y/N: You already are, it's fine.
O. Freddy: You look tired.
Y/N: I'm fine.
You hear footsteps from the right hallway and ignore them.
Freddy: Hey mother fucker!
Y/N: What do ya want?
Freddy: Wanted to know if... who the fuck is that?
You open your eyes to see her confused and pointing at the other Freddy that you repaired.
Y/N: This is the animatronic I told you about.
O. Freddy: Hello!
Freddy: What the fuck?
Y/N: Keep it down.
O. Freddy: What are these called?
You look over to see her poking her boobs.
Y/N: Those are called boobs.
O. Freddy: Ohhhh. They're so soft and squishy! Touch 'em!
Y/N: I'm good, no thanks.
You look at Freddy who seems to be crying at this point with a bright red face.
Y/N: Shut up! She's an older model too so it makes sense I guess.
You start to watch as she breaks down crying, getting uncomfortable and annoyed you pick her up and carry her away.
Y/N: I'll be right back!
O. Freddy: Okay!
You walk into the dining are to see the rest of them sitting at a table with a birthday cake in the middle with lit candles.
Y/N: What's going on here?
Foxy: It be Bonnie's birthday lad.
Y/N: Didn't know you guys did that.
Foxy: Didn't know you made Freddy cry.
Y/N: Indirectly.
Foxy: Anyways Bonnie wanted to ask ye if ye would be inclined to sit with her.
Y/N: Sure, why not?
You set Freddy onto one of the chairs and she stops crying but starts pouting. You pull up a chair and sit next to Bonnie. You all sing happy birthday to her and she blows out the candles.
O. Freddy: Y/N!
She sounded pissed, you look over to see her leaning on a wall to keep her propped up. You rush over to help her walk over to the rest of them.
O. Freddy: Why didn't you invite me?
She immediately looked at you with puppy eyes.
Y/N: I didn't know this was going to happen I'll be honest
You sit her down next to Freddy and Chica.
Bonnie: Who're you?
O. Freddy: I'm Freddy! You?
Bonnie: Nice to meet you! I'm Bonnie, the yellow one is Chica, and the red one is Foxy!
O. Freddy: You look like the old Bonnie but more purple, I like it!
Bonnie: Thank you!
Freddy: It's not fair!
Foxy: What ain't lass?
You see as she points at the other Freddy's noticeably larger bust.
Foxy starts to die laughing with bonnie, and Chica chuckles to herself.
O. Freddy: What's wrong with my boobs?
Y/N: She's just jealous that you have larger ones than hers.
O. Freddy: Ohh that makes sense! So what do you do here Y/N?
Y/N: I'm the night guard.
Her eyes immediately loose color and everyone looks in fear.
Y/N: You good?
O. Freddy: Night guard...
Y/N: You okay?
O. Freddy: Night... guard...
Y/N: You fine?
O. Freddy: I'm good!
Everyone jumps back and two of them scream.
O. Freddy: I was just searching my logs to see what that meant! It looked as though someone scrubbed them clean, almost as if I knew too much... weird.
Bonnie: H-How about cake?
Foxy: A-Aye cake w-would be a great idea lass.
Using her hook to cut it Foxy passes everyone a piece. The only thing is no one other than you and the other Freddy can actually taste anything. You watch as the original 4 eat a slice.
Y/N: Where's Mangle?
Foxy: She be sleeping lad, what do ye want with her?
Y/N: Well you four are eating cake without her.
Foxy: We always save a slice for the lass so don't worry.
Y/N: Alright.
You eat your slice and before you could finish you immediately get uncomfortable as everyone looks over at the other Freddy as she just let out the loudest moan after eating a piece of her slice. Her face was of pure bliss and calling her a tomato would be an understatement.
O. Freddy: This is so good! Y/N try some!
Y/N: I already have so-
Before you could finish what you were saying a fork full of cake gets shoved in your mouth. You swallow it in shame and fake a smile with a thumbs up to signify you liked it. You liked the taste, not the gesture.
Chica: What the fuck did I just witness?
O. Freddy: Me sharing my cake with Y/N!
Chica: But he already has a slice.
O. Freddy: Oh, my bad!
You check the time to see it's 6 am and that your shift was over.
Y/N: I got to go, shift is over and I am beat. Happy birthday Bonnie, come on Freddy.
You grab the other Freddy's shoulder signifying that she has to get up.
O. Freddy: Haply Birthday Bonnie!
Bonnie: Thank you!
You help the other Freddy back into the office and sit her down in the chair and before you can turn away and leave she grabs the collar of your shirt and pulls you in for a kiss.
O. Freddy: Thanks for the fun tonight!
Y/N: No problem.
You walk away confused and tired. Finally you arrive home after a long drive in traffic and pass out on your bed, with your bag of stained clothes in your left hand.

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