-For a friend-

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                   "Anything for our Moony"

"What are you doing? "

"Why are you so late?"

"Were you on a date?"

"Shut up Peter"

"No, its a possibility"

"Look at him- He's all sweet and red-cheeked," said Sirius as he slid his hand in the back of his neck pulling him down for everyone to notice his state. And if he wasn't the person their attention was on he would be laughing thinking this was funny.

 "Where were you, Louis?" asked calmly James taking a pillow to his chest, crossing his legs crossed trying to look like one of the muggle therapists that Louis mentioned in their second year.

"I went to see Remus and lost count of time" he simply stated. Louis wouldn't say that he was good at lying since he wasn't, but it wasn't hard to play with the truth when the tallest marauder wasn't in the room. He hoped everyone knew not to lie when Remus was near since he had like a 6th sense when it came to not telling the truth and whole truth.

"Aw--You are really disappointing me, Greeny," said Sirius taking his hand and moving them to touch his heart and feel it beating against his chest. It was more of a dramatic move. Or, at least, that's what Louis thought.

"You disappoint me too when you refuse to learn more at transfiguration even tho you want us to prepare for the process-" Louis rambled before Padfoots hand covered his mouth and said

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"You disappoint me too when you refuse to learn more at transfiguration even tho you want us to prepare for the process-" Louis rambled before Padfoots hand covered his mouth and said

"We cant talk about that here, idiot" 

Big mistake, very big mistake indeed. With his cand still covering Louis's mouth, the boy decided he had enough and licked his hand. 

Cries of "ew" a burst of laughter filled the room as the boys cuddle with each other in the cozy common room.

                                                      🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 

The next morning, the boys took different paths as Sirius and James went to Quiddich practice and Peter and Louis went to the library to study.   The walk to the library was filled with herbology as both students loved dearly that class. Herbert Beery was one of the best if not actually the kindest teacher at Hogwarts and because of his age, Peter wanted to take the job when he will be older.

If anyone would ask Louis what career would he choose he wouldn't know. He was always planning ahead, always writing ideas in that little notebook of his, and always spending time with his friends and he would choose anything to could combine those things. 

In his second year, the marauders discovered Louise's talent when it comes to writing. It was a cloudy Monday and Wormtail forgot to do his history of magic essay so he tried to help him. The teacher was so impressed with it that he asked Peter to read it in front of the whole class and let's just say that it was not the most pleasant experience for the blonde-haired friend. He didn't know half of the words and there were so many metaphorical phrases that he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

Usually, the library would be crowded at that hour, full of Ravenclaw students. They were indistinct conversations between one friend and another, quite unable to comprehend the word silence, although, when you thought about it, nothing ever was silent in the room. There was the constant whizz of the first years trying to study more; the constant tap of anxious students who will need to prove themself when the exams come; the constant scratch of a pen on paper, the constant flick of a book. And when the Lady managing the library turned to shush those who broke the silence, she broke it herself. And then the room would turn to icy cold. The Slytherin type of icy cold.

They ended up choosing the seats in the very corner where no one could interrupt or even worse, find out about their passion for transfiguration. 



"Off-topic, but do you think Lily likes James?" he asked looking past him. Louis did not pay attention to where his eyes lay and simply answered.


"Id disagree" 

Louis was taken back by the boy's words as he never really cared about drama. When Greeney finally looked over his shoulder his mouth dropped. Behind the second row of books, someone with fire red hair had their back against the bookshelf as the other person, whose face was not visible, was trying to get as close to them as possible.


"Bloody hell, Peter, do you think that Evans?" asked a very confused and, in a way, disgusted Louis. 

"Well it does look like her, doesn't it?" 

"It cant be James thought, he has Quiddich practice," said Louis.

"Do you think we should tell him?"

Louis didn't know what to do. If he wouldn't tell James about what saw, he would be very hurt when he will found out but feel also very betrayed by him and Peter. But if he did, his heart would be crushed by his best friend. Making, in his mind, a pro and contra list he decided he will tell James when practice would be over.

"We should tell him"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐚𝐫 / marauders era / oc x ocWhere stories live. Discover now