𝒞𝒜𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐞𝒟𝑔𝒜𝓉 ~ 𝒜𝓁𝓁 𝒪𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒜𝑔𝒶𝒟𝓃 (𝒰𝓅𝒹𝒶𝓉𝑒𝒹)

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It was now Monday, and I was sitting in my first class, which was sadly science, but I did not mind because I had Peter with me. We walked into the class to see some tools on the table. There are forceps. was a tray, a scalpel, a pair of scissors, and forceps. I gave Peter a confused look, which I get the same look back from him. The room begins to fill with more students, and we are sitting around waiting for the teacher to arrive and tell us what was happening. After a couple of minutes of waiting, Mr. Hiddleston walked in with another person closely behind a box. They talked to each other but then faced the class and began to talk.

"So, you may be wondering why you have tools on your table. Well, today Mr. Shearson and I will be teaching you how to dissect a frog," he tells the class. And I could feel myself getting nauseous at the thought of cutting open a frog. I looked over at Peter, who was smiling at the announcement. But then his smile soon disappeared when he looked over at me. "Are you ok Y/N, you're starting to get pale" they asked, "I'm not good when it comes to cutting things open" I replied. He gives me a worried look before putting his hands up. The teacher notices Peter's hand and nods at him to speak. "Do we have to do this" Peter asked our science teacher and was about to say something but then looked over at me and must have noticed that I looked like I was about to vomit, "Sadly yes, it is worth 20% of your grade. And both partners need to take part or else you will fail," Mr. Hiddleston tells us.

Both teachers walked around the room putting what I hope were death frogs onto the dissection trays. I was trying my best not to vomit, but then someone said they think the one that they had, and was alive because it was moving. Peter was still giving me a worried look, and I hated that I was making me worry. "I can do it all," he says with a smile, trying to hide the pity behind it. "I'll be fine, we both must do it, or we will fail" I answer before looking at the frog and nearly gagging, the teacher said we have 30 minutes to say do it, the first partner must cut open the frog and the other one must remove the heart and put it on the tray. I decided that it would probably be best for me to cut open the frog because I won't have to deal with much blood and guts. They start the timer and everyone begins, well, everyone but me. I picked up the knife and had it hover over the frog, but I couldn't do it.

But I looked at Peter again, "You can do it, I believe in you,"support, he says with a smile, and I could tell he believed it, "it's a frog Peter, not a bomb." But thanks for the support," I say with a giggle, and peter does too. I looked at the clock and it had already been a few minutes. I needed to do this because I didn't want to be the reason Peter failed. I slowly dig the knife into the frog, and it makes a noise and I nearly vomit at the sound. I press forward and begin to cut down the frog slowly and steadily so that I don't fuck up. After what feels like forever, I am finally done cutting up the frog and see that it took me 10 minutes to do it.. Blood I feel Peter patting me in the back before taking over. He opened the cut that I had made it was, blood started to run out of it and if I didn't feel nauseous, then I did now and I decided it was probably best that I look out the window before I fainted in front of everyone.

After a couple of minutes with a lot of sounds of squishing coming from the frog, Peter finally said they were done. I didn't really think about it and just looked down at the frog. Test. belly was open wide, and I could see everything that was inside it and then I saw the heart. Peter must have noticed, and he quickly asked if we would leave the classroom to get fresh air and the teacher nodded. We made it outside the classroom, and I sat down against the locker and started to breathe in and out. Peter just stood there watching me and would ask me every so often if I was okay. Shortly after Mr. Hiddleston came out and told us that they were grading us now, they said to me that I could wait out here because they didn't need me to vomit, and they would have to clean it up. I sat outside, waiting for the results. Then. Some bells rang to tell us that class was now over, and everyone began pouring out of the classroom failed, some of them looked happy and others didn't. I waited for Peter to come out, and then he came out, but he didn't look happy, so that already told me that we had failed. "Peter, I'm sorry it's my fault that we failed, The "I say, and Peter just looks at me with sadness.

Tangled Webs Of Love & Secrets (Peter Parker X Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt