Chapter 6

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Isabelle's pov

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Isabelle's pov

At school

(Big Red has the ring on)

Isabelle, Ricky and Big Red where standing at Rickys locker as he gets books out.

"I don't understand why you spend so much time here? You could be out anywhere like skateboarding in the empty skatepark but instead you choose to come to school"-Big Red

"I'm not allowed to do stuff like that"-Isabelle

"Your not allowed to? Who is stopping you?"-Big Red

"My dad, he bans me from doing stuff like skateboarding"-Isabelle

"Oh that sucks"-Big Red

They continue to talk until they have to go to their lesson.

Time jump- the next day

Isabelle is sitting on the piano watching Ricky go over this lines as Miss Jenn walks in.

"Troy and Chad. Scene 45!"-Miss Jenn

Ricky stands up and looks at Isabelle.

"Good luck"-Isabelle

Isabelle gives him a thumbs up as he walks to his place

They rehearse the scene but then Miss Jenn decides to use the ball and have Ricky and EJ pass it each other whilst staying in character. Whilst they where doing this Ricky threw the ball hitting EJ in the face. Miss Jenn takes EJ to clean up as everyone else leaves except Ricky and Isabelle.

"Ricky! You can do just that!"-Isabelle jumping down from the piano

"I didn't mean it"-Ricky

"Infinity plus one?"-Isabelle questions

They both share a laugh.

"Okay maybe I meant it a bit"-Ricky

"To be honest he deserved it"-Isabelle

"Have I changed the good angel?"-Ricky fake shocked

"Shut up"-Isabelle

Isabelle goes to punch him but her hand goes through him.

"You got lucky this time"-Isabelle

Ricky laughs as Isabelle walks out of the den to see Mr Mazzara talking to Carlos.

"Go inside and practice your box step. This is a grown-up conversation"-Mr Mazzara

"Miss Jenn, is he bothering you?"-Carlos

"You ought to spend less time worrying about your drama teacher and more time trying to make some friend under the age of 35"-Mr Mazzara

Isabelle eyes widen as she hears this.

"How can someone be so mean to Carlos"-Isabelle

Carlos walks into the Den and gets everyone to sing stick to the status quo whilst Isabelle thinks of a way to cheer him up.

"Got it!"-Isabelle

Isabelle walks over to Carlos' bag and puts a limited edition high school musical book in his bag with a note saying "you can be friend with any age -Angel".

After they finished singing, Isabelle whispers in Carlos' ear telling him to look in his bag. Carlos walks over to his bag whilst Isabelle walks up to Ricky.


Ricky looks at Isabelle confused as they watch Carlos open his bag, scream and faint. Isabelle gasps and runs over to him with everyone else. When he opened his eyes he looked inside in bag again to see the book still there, he takes it out and shows everyone.

"Where did you get that?"-Ashlyn

Carlos looks at the note.

"Someone called Angel?"-Carlos

They all talk about the book and look through it as Ricky looks over at Isabelle who is smiling.

"When am I going to get a gift?"-Ricky

"When you do something good or need to be cheered up"-Isabelle

"Wow you really are an Angel"-Ricky quietly

"What was that?"-Isabelle

"Don't worry"-Ricky

Ricky's pov

"You need to go check on EJ and Apologise"-Isabelle

"Okay I will but ill do it alone"-Ricky

Isabelle nods and teleports away as Ricky walks into the boys toilet where he see EJ topless, trying to clean his top and putting ice on his lip where it was bleeding.

"Hey, how's the lip?"-Ricky

"All good"-EJ

"Listen, I don't know what happened out there. It was an accident"-Ricky

"Really? Cause 'infinity plus one' sounded pretty real"-EJ

"Thats not even a number"-Ricky

"Just do me a favour and stay away from me and Nini, okay?"-EJ

"Excuse me?"-Ricky

"Don't act like my best friend or her boyfriend. Just stop acting. Why can't you just be real?"-EJ

"Im trying to make the best out of a bad situation"-Ricky

"Stop trying, Ricky. Don't try so hard! It's embarrassing"-EJ

"Dude. Im just trying to say I'm sorry"-Ricky

"You wanna apologise. You can start with that thirsty voicemail you left nini. She doesn't need to hear from you anymore"-EJ

"What did you just say?"-Ricky

"Just go home"-EJ

EJ then goes to walk out.

"Wait EJ. I know you think I still like Nini but I don't I found someone who is better for me. I sent that voicemail before I knew I liked her"-Ricky

Ricky then pushes past him and storms out after Nini.

"Hey! Nini! I have say something to you. I know we're not a couple anymore. I get that, you've been very clear. But I thought there was a little trust left between us"-Ricky

"I though I still meant something to you"-Ricky

"I can't do this right now"-Nini

"Fine. Okay? But the next time I spill my guts to you in a voicemail, do me a favour and keep it to yourself. I don't need to hear from EJ that it's wrong and stupid. I already knew that"-Ricky

"What voicemail?"-Nini

"What do you mean?"-Ricky

"You heard this from EJ?"-Nini

Ricky looks at Nini confused as Nini looks to EJ.

His Guardian Angel- Ricky Bowen X OCWhere stories live. Discover now