Chapter 2- The Truth Comes Out

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Thunder boomed across the sky followed by drops of rain that gradually got bigger.

It was eleven o'clock in the morning and I was alone in the house. Jessica and Allen went to a restaurant called Shogun. It seems like a good place to eat, I've heard some positive reviews about it but I would never ask if I could go along with them. I knew the answer would be no. My ears rang after the power went out, it was quiet without a sound. I wonder why they even adopted me. They hate me, I hate them. You get the picture.

I sighed and put down the manga I was reading since I could no longer see to read it. It was gray and dark outside, so I dozed off for about an hour before suddenly waking up to the TV coming back on. I started at it, watching a worthless commercial about McDonald's before a different commercial came on grabbing my attention. There was a site called where you could see your family history.

"I suppose I could start there." I turned my laptop on and searched for the website.

I signed up and typed in my full name, Elvira Marie Woods. I then entered my age, gender, and state. As it was processing, I sighed and hoped there weren't many people with my name in Wyoming. Elvira isn't a common name I don't think.

Thankfully only two names popped up. I began working with the details it gave me such as hair color, age, etcetera. I found my file and clicked on it and then  scrolled to my parents names and stopped. My eyes scanned over the information. They were never married and were located in two different states. My mothers name is Sarah Blue, but under it, it said that she was deceased at age 14 and buried at GreenHill Cemetery somewhere in Washington. The year of her death turned out to be the same year of my birth. Who even gets pregnant or has sex at that age? Sluts that's who. I noticed a criminal record and clicked on it. So, my mom did drugs did she? Hopefully that didn't effect my health somehow. I looked over my fathers name which is Jeff Woods. It said that his status was unknown and pretty much all of his information was blank. I noticed a criminal record on his file so I clicked it. My blood ran dry. He was a serial killer and the the last place he was seen was in Wyoming, but I doubt he's still here. I looked more into my mom's file, curious about her death. It stated that she was raped before I was born and then murdered a few weeks after my birth. My birth was a mistake. I shouldn't of expected anything more. I looked at my other relatives for a while and then pinned the tab before turning my laptop off and setting it aside.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Scarlett who perked up and ran ahead of me into kitchen.

I followed her and grabbed her Iams dog food bag. It felt empty so I opened the bag and looked. Yeah, all the way empty. I pulled out my savings and grabbed a yellow sticky note. I quickly scribbled,"Gone to the store for dog food, I'll be back shortly." I stuck it on the inside of the front door.

"See you later." I waved at Scarlett before leaving.

I locked the door and set the house alarm. I placed the key in my jacket pocket and hopped onto my purple bike. Biking to the store takes about 20 minutes, so I had a long coarse road ahead. I had only pedaled for several minutes before I felt unusually dizzy and nauseous. A loud staticky noise flooded my eardrums and I heard the squeaking of tires. As I glanced behind me, I noticed a red mustang swerving all over the road. No doubt it was a drunk driver. I immediately panicked, looking for a quick way out. I turned to the right which was a big drop off in the woods. Today's just not my day is it? I tumbled for what seemed like hours and smacked straight into a tree head first. I groaned, unable to move from the blinding pain shooting throughout my head. My vision was blurry as I looked at my arms. They were all scratched and bleeding from the thickets I went through. I slowly managed to look above me, my vision still blurry. A red blur came at me tearing it's way through everything. I came to realization that it was the car so I jumped out of the way. The car rammed into the tree I was just at, smashing all of the windows. I unsteadily got up and walked over to the car. My vision had cleared halfway and I saw a middle aged man with blood pouring out from his body.

"Are..." I panted,"Are you alright?"

There was no reply so I figured it was useless and I turned to climb up the drop-off. He looked like he had been injured pretty bad.

"Damn driver, this all could of been avoided if you laid off the alcohol. Now look at you, you're dead." I continued to climb to the very top, grabbing onto roots and little trees.

"I can't do this." I cried to myself. My leg and head were in excruciating pain. I think my leg is broken or at least fractured.

I heard that same static noise again. What... Is...that!?" My head hurts so much already and the static makes it unbearable. I used all my strength to climb up the hill, forgetting my bike. I finally collapsed on the side, exhausted. By then, cop cars and ambulances were pulling up and rushing out of their vehicles.

The paramedics got out the stretcher and eased off the drop-off to get the man that witnesses had reported.

A young officer came up to me and helped me stand. "Are you alright? Where you in the vehicle along with the driver?"

I shook my head,"I was just riding my bike when he came swerving all over the road. Without thinking I went off that drop-off. The man's dead. I saw him smash into a tree that I hit. I was lucky to get out of the way in time."

"I'm glad you're safe. Maybe you should go on to the hospital to get checked out. You're head is bleeding along with many other parts of your body."

"My leg is broken I'm pretty sure." I replied, agreeing with him.

A paramedic came over to me and helped me onto a separate stretcher. I gripped my head again.

"Did you hit your head?" The paramedic questioned and I nodded.

"But don't you hear that static?"

"I'm afraid not. It's probably just an effect from you hitting your head so hard. I'm surprised you aren't unconscious." She replied and loaded me into the ambulance.

The static faded out as I began to fall asleep when the ambulance took off with the sirens going off. Static... Something about it means something. It can't be just because I have it my head. I heard it before that happened. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Okay so I know my chapters are a bit short and obviously sucky but then again I'm not Stephen King or anyone else xD That picture of the dog is supposed to represent what Scarlett looks like and my chapters will gradually get longer as I write and get where I'm supposed to be with the story.

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