She finished running the egg along him and grabbed a cup and a stick of incense. (Y/n) quickly cleansed the cup before filling it with water. She gently cracked the egg into the cup and placed it down on the table in front of the group.

"Well that's not good. Looks like you're right, (Y/n). Something is wrong." Varian said as he stared at the raw egg in the water. "How can you tell something is wrong just by a raw egg?!" Eugene asked and (Y/n) was about to explain when Varian beat her to it.

"You see where it looks like spikes? Yeah, it's not supposed to be like that." Varian briefly explained and (Y/n) nodded. "He's right. We're going to be using this as a way to track our progress. Now, let's get started." (Y/n) said looking back down at her books. She moved a small piece of hair behind her ear and Varian stared at her as she did.

The witch placed a pink candle, essential oils, rose petals, charms, rose quartz, and a few other items in front of the books and stared at them for a few moments. "These are things that were and or possibly used. I don't remember that old spell very well, but I do know how a lot of them work and what most of them need." (Y/n) said before flipping through several pages. "Okay! Let's try this one!" She said with an unsure smile.

The group watched as the witch boiled water over a fire and grabbed a few different things off of the table. "Chamomile, basil, honey, cherry blossom petals, yellow candle? Bat wings? Okay that means eyelashes. Uhm, Essenes of a cat. Okay bubs, I'm gonna need a whisker." (Y/n) said gathering the few things she said out loud.

Sunny let out a growl and the witch rolled her eyes. "Oh stop being such a baby. Hold still Saph-I-I mean Varian." She said as she approached the alchemist. "W-wait what are you-Ow!" Varian said as (Y/n) plucked an eyelash from him.

The witch grabbed the now boiling water from over the fire and placed it on the table. The group watched as she put in the chamomile leaves into the tea pot and let it steep. She placed the basil leaves into a tea cup along with a spoon full of honey. (Y/n) snapped her fingers and a small flame formed in her hand. She lit the single cherry blossom petal and let it fall onto the yellow candle lighting it.

(Y/n) poured the tea into the tea cup with the basil and honey. She gave it a quick stir before placing the eyelash into the burning flame of the candle. Sunny hissed at the girl as she looked at him making her roll her eyes.

"Oh relax, Sunny. I have a jar of old whiskers you leave around." (Y/n) said before opening a jar of white cat whiskers and placing one into the tea cup before handing it over to Varian. " this safe to drink?" He asked as he cautiously took the cup.

"Theoretical yes, but I don't suggest smelling it." (Y/n) said with a soft smile and Varian stared down at the contents of the cup before sniffing it making him gag slightly. "Told you not to smell it. You do have to drink the whisker though. Just drink what you can and we'll go from there." (Y/n) said and the group waited as Varian took a deep breathe before plugging his nose as he drank from the cup.

All of them watched as Varian took a couple large gulps before slamming the cup down and covering his mouth as he gagged again before forcing what was left in his mouth down his throat. (Y/n) was quick to inspect the cup and smiled as she saw only the basil leaf in the cup.

"Ugh! That was disgusting!" Varian said as he wiped his mouth. "Do you feel any different?" Elizabeth asked. "I feel like my stomach is about to punch my brain. Am I okay? Can I leave now?" He asked and (Y/n) grabbed an egg and started running it along his arms once more. "We'll see. Hopefully this helped at least a little bit." She said as she rubbed the egg on his forehead before blowing out the yellow candle.

The group cautiously awaited as (Y/n) grabbed another cup of water and cracked the egg into it. As the egg settled the witch let out a sigh and shook her head no making the others disappointed.

Just A Hunch (Varian x Witch!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now