CH:17- Obsessed! But, Who?

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Morning All! I'll be posting the next Chapter on Friday. Until then Happy Reading🤓 & Stay Safe😷


All three of them entered one after the other in the house. Pushpa Ji was making dinner and Mr. Singh was helping her. It was just a small family Christmas dinner. Mr. Singh has invited his son and his family too. After coming home and saying hi to each one of them, Karishma moved towards her room and Haseena moved upstairs.

"They don't talk to each other," Mr. Singh asked.

"They do but they don't talk like normal people," Pushpa Ji replied.

"Oh!" He said, "Ahaan!" He delayed his response in an understanding manner.

After entering her room, Karishma locked the door and opened Haseena's journal. She always feels this excitement, this rush of knowing her, getting one step closer to her, and to do that she diverted her focus on the journal.

Dear Friend,

I don't know where to begin for today. It was a weird day for me. So, before leaving for the office, I made a small stop at Pushpa Ji's to invite her for Thanksgiving dinner as I was inviting a few of my other friends and to avoid any mishappenings like last time, I thought it will be better when both of them are present. As I was discussing that with Pushpa Ji, I saw Mishu leaning on Miss Singh and she was whispering something in her ear. I saw a wide grin appear on Miss Singh's face after listening to Mishu. She always becomes so happy when Mishu is around her and there is always a smile lingering on her face in Mishu's presence-----I guess she really likes kids. I was actually wondering what Mishu had said to her but I got to know that later by Mishu and then her. However, as of now, my main task was to let both of the tenants know that both of them are invited for dinner, so certain someone doesn't forget and when I was announcing that I felt her stare at me, she was listening to me with so much attention that God knows as if I am giving some kind of very important speech. SHE MAKES ME UNCOMFORTABLE in a way that I feel the rush of heat throughout my body and it becomes so much difficult to stand in her presence when she stares at me with her piercing gaze.

I was surprised when she entered the office today. No gruff wishes, No slamming on the desk, and no taunts. She seemed lost to me, I don't know where but she was definitely lost and when I tried to hand over the printout of the day or when I was telling her the day's schedule, she didn't hear a word of it. It was concerning for me, so I offered her a cup of coffee. I thought she might have a bad start to the day, so I genuinely asked for a coffee out of concern because if she will act hazy all day then it will be difficult for me to work around her. But my way of asking for coffee wasn't right, it came out as if I am mocking her but I wasn't. This made her upset which I understand and I said sorry for that but she exaggerated the situation. I don't know why she couldn't let go of this small mistake on my part. I'm telling you, she is so normal with other people, sometimes she even let go of their biggest mistakes and slip of tongues too but when it comes to me, she takes everything so personally as if I have actually said or did everything intentionally to hurt her. I know...I know she doesn't like me much but still....can we just cooperate a little. I really want to be nice to her and whenever I decide to, she always ends up ruining my mood. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME, HOW TO DEAL WITH HER BECAUSE IT IS REALLY DIFFICULT TO FIGURE IT ALL OUT BY MYSELF?

So when she acted discourteously to me, I couldn't help myself and answered her back. I know...I know...I should be working on controlling my temper around her too but I don't know what happens to me when I deal with her, I just can't resist fighting back with her and at that time I don't even care if she will fire me. Argh! I really need to work on myself around her. So, what happened next was, she got up from her chair, walked up to my desk, and after turning me towards her, she warned me. Why make so much effort to get up from the chair and then walk up to me, she could have just yelled at me from the distance. But no she never leaves a chance to get face to face with me. Sometimes, I feel like she purposely creates a situation where she can get close to me and I might be wrong but that's how I feel. However, I want to avoid all encounters with her because she makes me feel jittery at times. I can't stop telling you enough how she looks at me, it is so direct that I feel weak on my knees and the blood rushes through my cheeks. Can a gaze and that too of a woman impact you so much? I'm wondering, as much as you are. I don't have answers to any of my own questions and I don't know how I feel towards her. There are times when I feel so angry at her that I feel like whatever is in my hand I should throw it on her and there are times when I feel like I should talk to her about our differences, so we can resolve them but...but...I don't think so we will ever even get on talking terms.

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