Prologue- The Tv's First Star

Start from the beginning

Jay and alexander hide their faces to say goodbye to the rabbit they lost.


They stay together but only continued the work.

Crusader dislike to be helped out by someone who isn't jay or alexander. During behind the act, Crusader can talk to jay or alexander as much he wants but had to be out of line.

Rags and Crusader are really close being friends. Or... really really close. Rags notice that his buddy, Crusader was sad and depress. To cheer him up, Rags gives crusader some flowers and carrot candies.

Does rags even like crusader than a best friend? Or something crusader hasn't know those feelings yet?

In 1959,

Crusader is done.

No more fame
No more fans
No More adventures

During the end of the show, Crusader isn't happy to his live. But rags on the other hand, is sad but not angry like crusader.

As he tried to reached crusader's hand, Crusader walks off.

Rags notice crusader is leaving on the street. He follows him making sure if anything's okay.

"Crusader, pal..." he cried out "why are you going?"

Crusader didn't listen to any word from rags. He still angry about jay ward.

Rags is worried that his friend is not feeling ok. Rags keeps begging to tell what wrong with him.

Ad crusader has enough of his friend's begging. He snapped.

"I HAD ENOUGH, YOU BASTARD!" Crusader yelled.

Rags was shocked when his friend swears.

Crusader's face is red a lot from all the anger. He felt he was gonna cry but he hold his tears.

"You know what?! I don't need you anymore, Rags!" He screamed

Hearing that makes rags' heart ache. He didn't follow crusader at all.

Later, Crusader was asked permission back to his studio at asked the retired workers from the show to find Ward's address, which they allowed.

Crusader rabbit went street to street look for ward's new studio.

After minutes of searching, he finally find his creator's studio. As he peek to the window checking if he's there, but to his surprise jay ward had other toons. Jay was chatting with 2 new toons, one is a flying squirrel and one is a moose.

 Jay was chatting with 2 new toons, one is a flying squirrel and one is a moose

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After crusader's reaction to his replacement, He was a anger then ever. He walk away with rage in his eyes.

As he step back from the window. He started to feel boiling red on his face with anger. At his hands clutched with shaking, suddenly, He rise up both his elbows in the air, he rashly push away back with a anger yelled.

At out of nowhere, the palms spared of something hot in boil, as crusader look where the heat comes from, ad he look at the grass, he notice Magma on the grown.

Crusader was shocked at the boiling lava. He realized he submitted his gifted toon power, Magma abilities.


During the days of the fame of jay ward's cartoons, Crusader owns himself a house all on his own. And without his buddy, rags, he thought he will be without him. He spent his life of crusadering.

Whatever crusader is off to somewhere, a lot of people questioning about him, thought they seen him before but no memorized respond. Making the brave rabbit upset with anger.

Years still past in between the 2000s, Crusader rabbit was still on his knight Joints. He made some small fences and a machine replica of his old horse. As his Jointing lance is ready, his animatronic horse is fast to speed. the horse rushed, suddenly, it went too far. The other lance what it holds was getting close to crusader.

But it was too late. The point part of the lance stub to his right eye. Crusader let out a scream of horror as his hurt eye spill ink blood.


After surgery, his eye had to be removed due so much damage for a toon. And he got scar on his eyeball from the accident.

As he leave the hospital, something that changes him from mind to eye.

He know what to do.


A few years later,

Rags was living on his own home. He had a great live but not the same without his best friend.

As he sitting on his recliner while holding a cup of whiskey, suddenly his phone rings.

As he pick up the phone with a "hello", he hear a strange voice to listen who is answering him.

Crusader rabbit was the one who calls him.

they have a bit chat.

"Rags, Come meet me right now."

"Alright, what is this about?"

"I have an Idea, This will be the new us... Partner.".

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