006. the movies

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LENA RACED DOWN the stairs of her house on bare feet, the echo of her footsteps alerting Theodore, who was sat on the sofa watching the news. Their house, while small, was pretty open plan, so the kitchen, living room, and dining room could all be seen from the front door. It made it harder for Lena to sneak out, which she did a lot back at their old place, but did less here in Forks.

The man looked over the back of the couch and into the kitchen, watching his niece grab an apple from the fridge before moving to put her shoes—which sat in the cupboard under the stairs—on. She kissed him on the temple before waving herself off and leaving the house, her smile wide and her eyes shining. Teddy was tempted to ask, but knew she would tell him later on anyway.

Lena, having just grabbed her skateboard from the porch and set off down the road, was smiling as she felt the wind brush her hair back. She held her arms out by her sides, having her very own 'perks of being a wallflower' moment, before she put them hastily back to her sides after serving slightly. She threw her apple core out into the woods she was skating next to and pulled out her phone from the pocket of her track shorts, texting with one hand.

coming by the shop
run while you can

She scoffed, rolling her eyes and putting her phone away as she continued to make her way into Forks. Although her and Paul were not friends, at all...and in the last two weeks had made zero progress on that front, she was still informed on the boy and his life. She doesn't know much, but Jared informed her that night the pack had dinner with Quil that Paul's dad owned a small clothes shop in the rainy town next to theirs. She'd payed a visit when she knew Paul was out with Sam and thought that their line of clothes were quite nice. Very much the pack's style, she deducted, and assumed that this was where they got most of their clothes from. She ended up buying a shirt, and got a text from Paul two days later reading:

stay away from my dads shop

She'd laughed at her phone upon reading the message, and made it her personal mission to go there as much as possible just to piss the boy off. Only on her second visit, Paul's dad mentioned that Paul himself talked about her quite a bit.

"All good things, I hope?" Lena had asked, with a knowing smile.

"Not at all." The man had replied, the same look on his face.

At the discovery of that information, she'd ended up teasing the Lahote boy about having a 'crush' on her for a week, until he relented and told her that if she never brings it up ever again, she can go to the shop whenever she likes and he can't complain.

Which brings us here, now. Lena serving through the early morning traffic of Forks with a little too much confidence, her allowance in her pocket and a smile on her face. She'd woken up that Saturday particularly joyful, for whatever reason, so when she caught herself from falling flat on her face by the curb in front of Wolf War Clothing (subtle), and caught sight of Paul at the register, she didn't falter.

"Didn't you get my warning text?" She asked as she waltzed into the small shop, browsing through their collection.

Paul huffed, "Yes. But it's not really effective when I'm on shift, asshat."

Lena laughed, her hand sorting through the rack of sunglasses by the door, "You could've hidden in the back. You know I won't steal."

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