001. la push, baby

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LENA PANTED as she put down the last of the boxes in her new house. Heaving a sigh, the girl dramatically wiped the back of her hand over her forehead, snickering slightly at her uncle's glare.

"I know that your werewolf ass is not pretending to be tired right now." He spoke, pointing an accusatory finger at the girl, who simply laughed at him and moved towards the front door, where her skateboard was propped up against the frame.

"Teddy, take a nap, dude. You look like you're about you pass out, and all the boxes are here, we can unpack them later." She spoke, practically bouncing on her toes.

Teddy sighed, "Yeah, yeah. Get out there and find your wolf friends. Leave me here in the dust."

Lena laughed at her uncles face, wiggling her fingers at him as she left the house. She knew he would just fall asleep on the couch and they would unpack later, plus she was way too excited about her first day in her new town to even think about unpacking.

Kicking off, she sped down the road from her house on her board, the wind blowing her hair back ever-so gracefully. She pushed and pushed until she hit breakneck speeds-for a skateboard-and was racing through the streets of her new home.

She didn't stop even as she moved further away from her forest-buried house and closer to the town, passing more and more people as she did. She glided through the streets, swerving though traffic and laughing at the sound of cursing coming from behind her.

She was so overcome with glee at the fact that she was here. She was away from her old, boring town she grew up in and she was experiencing something new, something fresh. The air that she breathed was new, the paths that she took, the weather. Something about La Push and it's state of constant cloudy-ness made a new warmth erupt in her, so much so that she didn't realise where she was heading until it was too late.

Her board caught on the edge of the curb, sending the girl flying through the air and onto the concrete floor in a heap. Lena groaned, less from the impact and more from the shock and embarrassment, and moved to push herself up. She could hear the sound of footsteps nearing, a panicked voice in her ears.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" She looked up to see a boy, no older than fifteen, racing over to her. His hair was long, and tied back into a bun, and his face was flushed with concern as he made his way over.

"I'm fine." Lena replied, pulling herself up with ease and picking up her board, which had overturned from the impact of hitting the curb.

"Are you sure? You're bleeding!" The boy exclaimed, and it was then that Lena noticed the dark red liquid running from her cut up knees down her leg, and even some forming from the scrapes on her hands. She frowned at the sight, and went to wipe the blood away with the hem of her t-shirt, but was stopped before she could.

"I wouldn't." This time, it wasn't the boy, but a girl stood next to him. She was taller, clearly older, and had short hair cropped to her shoulders. Her face was flat, and almost annoyed as she stared at Lena. "Blood stains, and that's a cute shirt."

The werewolf smiled slightly, straightening her back and wiping her hands on the back of her shorts. Despite the cold weather, her sweltering inner heat meant that her legs were bare most of the time. It warranted looks of confusion, even in her old town, but she didn't care. She nodded at the two, "Thanks. I'm fine, now."

The girl shrugged, agreeing, but the younger boy didn't seem convinced, "Really? That looks like it hurts."

Lena thought that the boy was adorable, and made a mental note to kill anyone that hurts him. She didn't know why she was making such an attachment to someone who she met five minutes ago, but the boy had a sweet innocence to him that made the girl want to wrap him up and never let him go.

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