Just Business I

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"Your carriage is here, sir." He bowed as he opened the door which slightly creaked.

"Very well." I hopped in and sat by the window immediately.

"Where will his lord be heading to?" The coach asked, looking at my assistant.

"Our passage would be the trading district," I answered, capturing the coach's attention.

"I shall take you there." The coach declared, opening the door for both of us.

I hoped at first while Seconds later we went on our way and the steed started trotting.

"You haven't told me your name yet, have you?" I inquired, still staring at the road and the bystanders outside.

"My name is Alexander, sir." He replied to me.

"You have the same name as father," I snickered, "The demeanor of speaking as well, baritone and posh."

"I shall take it as a compliment, sir." He responded politely.

"As you should. I'm sure we'll have a great time together." I replied before ending my short conversation with him.

Etitsin was an epicenter of diverging cultures due to Sapin's trade with the far east countries. The Qin introduced high-quality silk and porcelain, as well as their culture and language like textiles and religion to the continent ages ago resulting in countless reforms and changes in the tradition of some who dwell in Dicathen.

And in exchange, this continent gives them wine, gold, silverware, and the ever famous slaves, which in turn boosted the production of such raw materials Dicathen imports.

However, Dicathen is missing out on the beans that the natives in Abyssinians are producing which are akin to coffee, a very ubiquitous luxury in Alcrya. As well as the tobacco the Mayans produced which was a symbol of status back home.

The carriage stopped dead on its tracks making me and Alexander jolt from our seats as we prepared to disembark our ride.

Seconds later the coach opened the door for us.

"After you, sir." Alexander invited.

"It would be more reasonable for you to exit first." I insisted with a tight smile.

"Whatever you wish, I shall grant." He politely replied before exiting.

I followed him sometime after, judging by the position of the sun it was safe to assume it was at least seven in the morning.

It was a fine morning now that the whole dockyards seem more active. Some merchants were setting up their stalls, sailors tying up their vessels or disembarking from them, livestock and cattle alike bleated and made noises as they traveled with their masters, carts, crates, and barrels were placed, dislodged, relocated, and stored.

Some were already yelling their wares for sale, some guaranteed cheap prices and some were there to merely entertain those who have entered the sphere of influence of the harbor markets.

"It's quite colorful and vibrant here, like home," Alexander commented as he mused on the bustling scenery that unfolded within our eyes.

"It does indeed remind me of my former abode." I agreed as the whiff of seafoam begins to fill my nostrils.

We walked for quite some time until we reached what was called the industrial sector of Etitsin.

This was a section of the trading district that was exclusively made for merchants who sell equipment, potions, and tools of all assortments.

Instead of the normal customers, this part of the city was filled with the likes of adventurers, mages, and mercenaries who were all looking to enhance their gears or themselves with elixirs.

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