Chalice Filled Purple

274 21 0

||3rd Person||

A man rushes his steps as his heels spun around in a circle. His eyes were glued to the ground while his hands fidgeted, tucked underneath his coat. The moonlight drew out his frame, a man of fair physique, strands of grey amidst his dark brown hair and face that showed aging but was still far from his elderly years.

"A man of punctuality you are, Lord Beathan." A voice calls out his name, prompting the aristocrat to swivel his head. There stood him, his golden eyes gleaming like a cat's as his shadow blanketed his face, with confidence he strode until they could shake each other's arms with the cold wind of the night brushing past their coats.

"Indeed it is good to see you once again, Alexander," Beathan commented before retracting his left hand, "Shall we?"

"Let us, much is to be discussed," He replied, taking out a box wrapped in parchment from his storage ring and handing it to his company, "Consider this as a token of my appreciation."

The lord nodded and accepted the gift with pleasure and curiosity on his face, "What would this box contain, I wonder?"

Beathan tinkered with the box but his looks only became more puzzled as nothing unordinary was being noted. After a couple of seconds, he gave up and hid the present while Alexander watched in amusement.

"Something akin to tea. My present aside, let us walk while we settle the ordeal?" He invited the man to walk with him.

"Let us, walking on these trails is a leisure I partake in, it helps to tranquil one's self after all." Beathan complied and the two embarked slowly as their boots marched along the gravel roads of the countryside. The Lord led the trek while Alexander followed, both walking steadily and slowly.

"I've heard of your business, at least the parts that piqued my interest. Although it takes more than mere words to persuade me, I mean no offense of course."

"Such is passable, milord. I have heard many of my esteemed clients usher the same thing throughout my endeavors, it is prudence rather than arrogance that acts and speaks," He calmly answered.

"You are very humble a man if I do say so myself," Beathan remarked, "I shall now get straight to the point."

"Your servant hears."

"You and I are not different, we men, we want power, influence; the riches will follow from there. Your burgeoning empire has put you in the eyes of many competitors yet none seem to hinder your growth, my nephew's business was siphoned of its life because of you." He began, after clearing his throat.

"Such is the world today, although I offer my sincere apologies to your nephew. He must have been a great blacksmith." Alexander replied, his voice lacking sympathy he apologized.

"You need not, if it weren't for him I would've not found you." He dismissed, waving his arm, "Now as for my part, I offer a proposal –one that will surely benefit both of us."

"I see..."

Beathan stopped dead in his tracks as did Alexander behind, the former turned around and stretched his left hand with an open palm, "A partnership. With my influence, I can ensure that your wares are what dominates the markets of Blackbend."

Alexander only looked, his eyebrows furrowing as his lips creased inward, unsure how to react. A small chuckle escaped from his mouth, confusing the man in front of him who looks with a confused gaze.

"A partnership is one that I need not of, milord. More than enough people shake my hands." He dismissed the offer. " To add, I and my colleagues have established fences to avoid monopolization in such fields. Needless to say, the big fish eats less to keep himself small."

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