Man of Intrigue

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||Grey Heirghund||

"Looks like our daughter is tired. Please, let us continue our discussion." Lord Reoite turned to us after watching his daughter rush up the stairs.

Their manor was typical in fashion, the palette was white and black with golden accents, quite sophisticated and regal. The living room was on the far right of the entrance of the door, there was a flight of stairs at the far left leading to the second floor and in the middle was a spacious walkway that can be used as the main reception for a party of some sort.

The interior design was quite regal and resembled the Baroque architecture of my old world, it was very fascinating how they used marble tiles which had more of a modern aesthetic given the color scheme.

"Power is a tool that can both make or break anyone. It is the fundamental source and the basis of how someone acts or is treated. Power guarantees many things in life: money, fame, and honor, but the one thing that power always gives is security. Being able to sleep at night soundless because you know that you hide behind an impregnable fortress; knowing that those who oppose you will face people with swords, shields, and staffs first before seeing your presence." He began the negotiations with an introductory monologue while I sank to the seat, observing.

"So this is the intention behind all of this?" Lord Reoite leaned further on the chair he sat on rubbing his chin, fully focused on him alone.

"Correct, Lord Reoite. House Hierghund is not just a band of ordinary merchants who trade wine and goods across the continent. We sell and give you the necessary amount of steel to produce an iron fist."

"What kind of weaponry do you sell?" Lady Valerie raised her arm a bit.

"Any kind of weaponry your lady desires. The toughest of armors, the sharpest swords, spears and axes, the strongest shields and even the fastest mounts." He boasted.

I could see their interests in both of them grow. But as my father used to say, interest follows curiosity.

"How can we know that your materials are of sufficient quality?" Lord Reoite queried.

"If his lordship wishes for a demonstration of the integrity of our materials we request to use your backyard as a venue for such," I interjected.

He squinted his eyes studying me, opening his mouth but no words came out.

He turned to Lady Valerie as if to ask for her permission.

"It is fine as long as you don't destroy it. Varay needs it for her sword fencing classes." Lord Reoite's expression brightened as soon as we were given formation.

"Fortunately I only have a sword with me so there will be no unnecessary damage done. And Milord can even keep it if it's deemed worthy enough for him."

We all stood up from our seats and headed our way. Lord Reoite led me and my father to the backyard, which was quite a journey given the size of the house they live in.

We walked down the hallway near the living room, my hunch was right it was a corridor that connected the main parts of the manor. We walked through many rooms, the walls accompanying us, decorated with elegance and paintings which I assume are the other members of the Aurae household.

We finally arrived at the backyard which was very spacious with only the grass and a tree occupying the place.

"Perfect." My father remarked, stretching his hands.

"So, how would this demonstration begin?" Lord Reoite asked.

"A sword is a staple in the army, a sharp rod of metal that can cut, slash, and thrust its adversary. A great sword with a great man can achieve many things, a sword must have hardness, strength, flexibility, and balance. I shall demonstrate all of these, we need your feedback first." A great way to persuade clients is to entertain them along with the deal.

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