She looked back at the hedgehog who was still gripping his arm. "Sorry, sorry! Maybe I shouldn't have hit so hard..."

The azure hedgehog shook his aching arm before waving the other hand. "No, I should be the one to apologize." He took a glance at the gemstone. It did look vaguely familiar now that he thought of it. If only he could remember from where. The sensation it gave him though. Sure, he felt an extra boost of energy, but it was almost like his emotions were intensified, more specifically his anger. The azure hedgehog looked down solemnly before giving a smile to the wolf in hope of reassuring her. "I must've let out all the anger I had kept over these past few years and months. Guess it got to me after a while."

Wendy held up the gemstone. Somehow it wasn't reacting to her. Perhaps a trigger? Then again, she'd rather it not. Squeezing it, she gave a sigh. "I don't think it was entirely you. This gemstone was reacting in some way." 

Sonic cocked his head and looked at the gemstone. Zavok had it on him a few weeks ago. He seemed to be mostly in control however something happened in the middle of their battle and her went bezerk. After that instance, the Zeti more or less threw it and he happened to be the one to catch it. After looking at it for a few more seconds, the azure hedgehog decided to see how it would react. He held out a finger and lightly tapped the gemstone. Although it wasn't quite that bright, a faint red glow was distinguishable.

"Hm, seems like I'm the only one who can activate it..." He said aloud. With Tails researching the fragment he and younger Sonic found, this information could be useful.

Before the matter could be discussed more, a thwip passed each of their ears. Digging into the ground beside them was another knife. Sonic gave a brief scowl, looking over the generator and at the figure. She seemed to have gotten more active. It was a good call on Wendy's part to move them behind something, that was for sure. As he got a look at the creature, the azure hedgehog noticed some wires coming from her back. One of these wires led to the generator he and Wendy were currently hiding behind. "Gotta say, you were right about the plan part."

Wendy perked up quite a bit. It was nice seeing Sonic be a little more optimistic instead of bashing everything in sight. "So, do you have one?"

Sonic eyed their opponent. "I do." He turned back to the brown wolf. "I'll distract her. You take out all these generators." In each of the four corners of the gigantic gear they were on was a generator. They were spread apart quite bit, but at least they were already near one.

"W-what?! You want to give me such a big responsibility? I-I'm not sure I could do it." The brown wolf folded her ears down and lightly stroked her tail. "Last time I tried to help, I put everyone in danger and hurt my wisp." Her red wisp sighed at the memory. She tried to stand up to that Jackal, but only seemed to make things worse. If it weren't for Silver being there, she probably wouldn't be standing with Sonic right now.

Placing a hand on her shoulder, the blue hedgehog gave a smile. "Hey, you just helped me out earlier. If you hadn't, I'd be skewed hedgehog. Don't doubt yourself. Sometimes you have to trust your instincts."

"But what if I mess up again?"

"Mistakes help us learn. I've made plenty of them," The azure hedgehog looked down solemnly before continuing, "but I still keep trying. Don't let a past regret stop you in the present. You got this. I believe in you." He gave her a light hit on the shoulder.

Wendy relaxed herself a bit. Once she was composed, she gave a small grin. "Where was this version of Sonic earlier?"

Eyeing the gemstone still gripped in the brown wolf's hand, the azure hedgehog sighed. "I wish I could answer that." He jumped on top of the generator as Wendy kneeled down to look at the generator.

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