* Chapter 1: A Hero Falls

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Test tubes bubbled with an unknown liquid as wires flickered in the capsules. They lined the walls, casting shadows on the grounds despite their clear interiors. Although they each had a small item placed delicately inside, one was of so much importance that it was being cleaned spotless by a yellow robot with a square head. The figure inside was unmoving but a gem on its chest glowed brightly.

Eggman walked into the lab, moving past all the capsules he had, looking into each one. He passed Cubot and looked into the tube. This was where he made his ultimate invention. An instrument that would finally give him absolute power and control. As he came up to a screen, he let out a huff. "These past few years, I have been plagued by that hedgehog. With each plan I have comes a new pile of pity for me to clean up. But that changes today."

Over by a small monitor was a red robot with a circular face. Orbot looked over at Cubot who was still wiping down the tube. As Eggman turned to head his way, Orbot motioned for the yellow robot to move. He didn't seem to understand until Eggman had pushed him out of the way. Cubot was flung toward the red robot, who jumped at the sudden intrusion before sorrowfully shaking his head.

"I've spent months developing this weapon. So many failed prototypes but I have finally recreated it." Eggman stared into the capsule. Although the figure inside wasn't moving his body, he did still shift his yellow eye to look at the doctor. Eggman didn't seem to notice the gaze as he went back toward the large screen on the wall.

"With this invention, I can finally be rid of that blue nuisance once and for all!" He scowled at the thought of Sonic. Ever since he first showed up in Green Hill to free those little animals, it had been all downhill from there. His entire base was destroyed in a day. Every other may have lasted even a little while longer, but they soon had the same fate. Even now, he was expecting this base to be found but it was so well hidden and camouflaged that if Sonic were to show up, he'd consider it fate.

The doctor looked behind him, past the tube with his greatest creation and partner, and glanced briefly at the other tubes. "A pity for the others though. The prototypes will have to do for them...if they survive." He let out a bellowing laugh and twirled his mustache before returning to the screen. "Now, where is that pesky nuisance? Orbot!" The red robot winced a little before floating over toward a computer. Clicking the keys madly, the robot took away the diagnostics of Eggman's creation and changed it to a map of Mobius.

After taking a close look at it, Eggman pointed at a certain section of it. "There. We'll strike at dawn." He looked back at the glowing gemstone. "Sonic won't even know what hit him."


A blue blur raced past the colorful buildings of Sunset Heights. Even though Sonic was usually dealing with calamities, it felt nice to visit the locals. Plus, there was a chilidog stand nearby. As he dashed through the city, he came to a strange sight.

The locals had their doors shut and locked. Even the welcome mats had been dragged away. None of the shops were open however, looking inside, they hadn't even been tidied recently. He was even more distraught when he realized that the chilidog stand owner had just up and left...without even taking the cart.

"Hey, where did everyone go?" Sonic asked aloud. The answer came to him on his com-link. It was a little watch strapped securely around his arm. His buddy Tails had made the coms so they would be more in touch during missions, especially when Sonic accidentally left him in the dust.

Sonic answered the call, "Hey Tails, what's up?"

The voice of his buddy on the other end sounded distressed. "Sonic! Eggman's invaded the city! Some of the locals were able to get out before he got here but I still have a few in the line of fire! I'm not sure if I can fight hordes of robots and keep track of everyone! I'm right in the center of Sunset Heights!"

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