Cold (Spencer) ☁️🥀💔

180 1 0

Word count - 791
Category - Fluff to Angst/Sad Ending
Warnings - Sad, unresolved/ambiguous ending


You breathed in deeply as you tried to calm the nervous butterflies is your stomach.

It was a gorgeous day out, so you and your boyfriend had decided to go for an afternoon walk. You had spent the morning cuddled up in bed, drinking coffee and listening to Spencer read you one of his favourite books, The narrative of John Smith, before deciding to take advantage of the sunny weather with a stroll through the park. He only lived a couple blocks away from one, and you knew he enjoyed spending his time off there, reading and playing chess.

As you walked leisurely, your right hand intertwined with Spencer's left, swingling softly between your bodies, you couldn't stop the warm, happy feeling that spread through you. You had felt it before when you were around him, but it was only today you were finally able to identify it: love.

It had only been 3 months since the beginning of your relationship with Spencer Reid, and you had never been happier. You enjoyed getting coffee together in the morning before work and spending your days off with each other, exploring the city or just hanging out in each other's apartments. You could listen to Spencer talk for hours about anything. You found his storytelling endlessly captivating and loved his passionate little rants, only interrupting to ask questions or share your own perspective; something he greatly appreciated seeing as how he was used to being cut off by even his closest friends.

With one last deep breath, you mustered up all the courage you could and looked up, ready to share your feelings with the handsome genius beside you. His soft curls fluttered in the wind as he gazed ahead, a small content smile on his lips.

Meeting his warm hazel eyes, you relaxed a bit, letting yourself be vulnerable. "Spence, I want to tell you something" you started.

He continued to smile softly at you as he rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb, encouraging you to speak on.

"I-I know this might be early, a-and I don't want to mess this up, b-but, but..."
Spencer gazed patiently into your eyes, his brows furrowed slightly at how you were stumbling over your words. He continued to rub your hand for a few seconds before he spoke up in a gentle tone, "Hey, it's ok, take your time sweetheart. What's up?"

When you didn't answer him right away, he didn't press you. Instead he leaned down to leave a sweet kiss on your forehead, bringing you instant comfort. That's when you got up the nerve to tell him, reassured by his loving gesture that he felt the same way about you as you did about him.

Feeling the warmth intensify in your body as you squeezed his hand tighter, you finally spoke.

"I love you, Spence". You took a breath before continuing, smiling up at his kind hazel eyes,
"I love you so much".

A couple seconds passed, and you started feeling an intense anxiety bubble up in your chest as you practically heard the gears in Spencer's mind shifting rapidly, allowing him to think at full speed. His eyes were wide and his mouth opened slightly as if he was about to say something, but he was quickly cut off by the loud ringing of his work phone.

"I-I, um," he stuttered before ripping away his gaze from yours to fetch his phone and read the caller ID. Once he registered Hotch's contact on the screen, flipped open the cell, dropping your hand and walking a few steps away from you.

"Ok - yes, I understand" you heard him speak as he paced back and forth. "I'll be there in 20" he said before flipping shut the device.

Once he stopped pacing, he took a breath and met your eyes with a wide, pitiful look. "I-I'm sorry, I have to go; it's an emergency" he rushed out quicker than you thought humanly possible. "I, um, I'll call you when I get back". Spencer kept his gazed focused on the ground, refusing to meet your eyes. Before you had a chance to even register his words completely, let alone respond, he was jogging away from you, headed towards the nearest metro.m station.

You felt stuck in place. Your eyes were glued to the back of his head, pleading him to look back, but he never did.

As his figure disappeared farther and farther into the distance, you felt the happiness that had filled your body with warmth only moments ago being replaced by a dull ache, leaving you standing alone in the park, your body shivering despite the bright afternoon sun.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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