After Maeve pt. 2 (Spencer) ❤️‍🩹

122 1 0

Word count - 688

Category - Hurt/Comfort

Warnings - Grieving Spence?


The first thing you notice as he steps back from the door is how heartbreakingly sad he looks.

He opens it all the way and gestures for you to come in, his mouvements weak and his hair scraggly; the burgundy cardigan Spencer's wearing almost swallowing him whole as it hangs over his skinny body.

He's always been slender, but you've never seen him look so small, so sick.

As soon as you make it in and close the door behind you, Spencer is wrapping his arms around your middle, nuzzling his scruffy face into the crook of your neck as tears begin to flow down his face.

"Oh Spence," you exclaim softly, "I so desperately wish that I could take your pain away. I'm not going to stand here and say everything's ok, because we both know it's not. You loved her; you loved her so much and lost her before you even had a chance to hold hands, to spend time with your girlfriend face to face. That hurts, and it's ok for you to acknowledge that and let it hurt. I know you've lost quite a few people in your life, and I'm so sorry."

You pause to truly look him in the eyes before continuing.

"You need to hear me and believe me when I say this: I'm here for you and I'm not going anywhere. Okay? You're stuck with me, pretty boy, whether you like it or not!" you tease him lovingly.

Instead of answering right away, he just tugs on your hand, leading you both to the couch.

"Thank you, Y/N. I'm so glad to have a friend like you in my life. You know I love you, right?"

That l-word makes your heart skip a beat, even though you've both said it to each other many times.

You push down any romantic feelings -it's not the time- and respond saying:

"I love you too, Spencer."

At that, the cute genius curls up on his cushion, getting his legs on the couch, before leaning in to your side, clinging to you tightly, as though he was a kid and you were his favourite stuffed animal.

You sat there for a good hour, just rocking Spencer and humming softly, doing your best to console him when he would start to sniffle and whimper into your chest. Eventually, you shifted slightly, making him look up at you.

"When's the last time you had something to eat Spence?"

He looked down at the ground sheepishly before replying honestly.

"I don't really remember, it's been a while."

So, after giving him a tight squeeze and running your fingers softly through his messy hair, you offered to order in some lunch from the restaurant down the street, both of you painfully aware of how bad you were at cooking.

One time, about a year ago, you and Spencer thought it would be fun to throw a dinner party for the team. He found a recipe for a couscous dish, and you had agreed to come over to his apartment earlier the day of the party to help him make it.

After several hours and lots of burnt couscous, you both dissolved into a fit of giggles, agreeing to get takeout instead and leave the cooking up to Rossi!

You're pulled out of your memory but the sound of the delivery guy knocking on the front door.

"I'll go get it, you stay here and try to sit up, ok?" You asked Spencer.

He nodded his head and starting shifting on the couch as you answered the door and paid for your food.

Stopping by the kitchen to get utensils, since you know how crap you both are at using chopsticks, you make your way back over to Spencer who is now sitting cross legged on the couch, waiting for you.

You sit down to eat in the quiet apartment. After a couple minutes of slurping noodles silently, Spencer places his hand on your knee, looking deep into your eyes.

"I really meant it you know, I love you. As more than just a friend."

Well SHIT.

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