Chapter 31: I Just Know That You Love Her

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I just looked at his hand covered in rings that was wrapped tightly around my arm. "I think that's probably best."

We started walking and before we could even get to the end of my little street someone appeared in front of us in a purple light. Luke automatically pulled me behind him. He wasn't protecting me because he thought he was in love with me, he was protecting me because I am his family. 

I heard a growl come from Luke's throat. "What do you want Caleb?" 

The man looked at his fingernails, "I just want to have a little chat with your friend. Since that's all she wants to be with you, you shouldn't have a problem."

I couldn't say anything. I knew exactly who this guy was. It's the guy who put the stamp on Luke and Alex.

Luke placed a hand on my waist and pushed me more behind him, "You can talk to her from right there."

He finally looked up from his fingernails, "Very well. I just wanted to let you both know that the club Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N goes to is mine. And Luke you and I both know how humans get into my club."

Luke had a look of terror, "They sell their souls."

I could feel myself sharing that same look when Caleb clapped.

"Very good boy. I just wanted to let you know that if you and your band don't join my club... I will destroy her parents."

Luke looked angry, "No... you wouldn't do that to her. You don't even know her!"

He walked up to Luke and his grip around me tightened, Caleb put a hand on Luke's face. "I don't have to know her. I just know that you love her."

He turned to walk away and Luke turned towards me and cupped my face, "Are you okay?"

All I could do was nod.

Caleb was about 50 feet away and he turned around, "Oh and Y/N," Luke whipped around, "if you're wondering where your parents are..." he took off his hat, bowed, and disappeared.

I could feel the tears, "No," was all I could manage to get out before I fell into Luke's arms, just sobbing. I felt nauseous and then looked around. We were in the garage in front of the couch. I was still hugging Luke tightly, continuing to cry. 

"Y/N?" It was Alex, "Is she okay? What did you do?"

Luke sat us down, "Nothing, I didn't do anything! It was Caleb."

"Dude! How are you touching her? Oh no-"

I just laid on Luke, still crying, "Where's Reggie?"

Alex looked around, "I don't know, he never came home after he left with you."

I started crying more and Luke's grip tightened around me, "What?"

"Okay what happened man?" Alex asked.

Luke told him the events that had just happened and I didn't realize how tired I was until Luke shifted and I was just laying on his chest. It really is weird, because I swear I can hear a faint heartbeat, but then I drifted off to sleep. I think it's best that I don't go to school today.

I heard muffled voices as I woke up, I continued to keep my eyes closed so I could hear them. It was still Alex and Luke talking, no Reggie. Their voices were low, trying not to wake me.

"Why do you think you can touch her now?" I heard Alex ask Luke.

It took him a second and then he answered, "I don't know, every time I've touched her I just thought about how much I needed her."

"You mean like needed her to do what you were thinking?"

"Kind of. I know that she doesn't want to be more than friends with me because she loves Reggie, I'd be an idiot not to see that. I'm never going to make her choose. I need her in my life, well afterlife Alex. I think she's made all of us truly feel alive again."

"I agree with that, but aren't you in pain because you know that she won't love you like you love her?"

"It'll always sting, but I do know that she loves me and she wants me in her life. And as long as she wants me, I'll stay."

I truly felt loved in this moment. Not just by Luke, but by Alex, and of course Reggie. I slowly moved and groaned like I had just woken up. "What time is it?"

Alex looked at my phone that was somehow on the coffee table, "Almost ten."

I sat up from the two hours of laying on Luke. I ran my fingers through my hair. Gosh it was tangled.

"Here," Alex said, handing me my hair brush. 

I took it and started brushing through my hair. I looked at where he got it from. I saw my overnight bag I would take to Julie's and my backpack was nowhere that I could see.

My face must have said everything because Luke spoke, "Um I asked Alex to take your school bag home and grab some essentials you might need. Reggie's flannel was on top of you until you sat up."

I looked next to me and sure enough the black and red flannel was right there.

I looked at both of them, "Thank you guys. And thank you Luke for protecting me earlier."

His face got pink, "Ah... yeah. It was no problem. Just instinct really."

I looked at Alex, "Has Reggie come back yet?"

Alex looked down, "Sorry, no. And yes I checked the beach and your school and your house and Julie's. He's gone."

"He can't be gone Lex," I said disappointed. "Did you check the library? Or the bench?"

Alex just nodded.

My heart sank. Where could Reggie be? I thought he was coming here when he left my house.

Luke looked like he had a realization. "Y/N... I hate to say this but you know how Caleb has your parents?"


His face fell, "What if he has Reggie too?"

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