Chapter 21: I Practically Live At Your House

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I woke up at 7:00 to my alarm blasting. I didn't feel like breakfast today, so I just went ahead and got dressed into a comfy outfit since I didn't have to dance today.

 I didn't feel like breakfast today, so I just went ahead and got dressed into a comfy outfit since I didn't have to dance today

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I pull Reg's jacket over my outfit. I sigh as I start walking to school. I text Nick when I don't see him and he scrambles out his door as I pass his driveway. I laugh softly at him.

He smiled, "Shut up!"

"Oversleep?" I ask.

"No... I just couldn't find my dance stuff."

"Oh! That's right... it's today."

"Yeah, well at least you get an exemption."

I shrug, "Yeah. I guess so."

"Hey, I saw the video from yesterday! I really liked it. Great song," he smiled.

"Yeah? Thank you... that means a lot."

"You're probably going to get attacked at school today though."

"Why is that?"

"Well because when I watched the video it had 750,00 views, and that was just last night!"

I pulled out my phone and opened YouTube. I went to my channel and I had 2 million views with 500,000 likes. "Oh, wow." Next thing I know, we're at the school. Nick makes his usual departure and I duck around people to go to the music room.

Nobody except Miss Harrison was in there, she walked out of her office and greeted me, "Wonderful job yesterday with the new song. That's an 100 for next week's assignment."

I gasped, "Really?"

She smiled, "Yes."

The loud bell rang and I took my seat. Julie was the first to come to class. She sat next to me. Carrie wasn't far behind her, she walked between Julie and I to take her seat behind us. Nick came in and waved at Julie. The rest of the class came in, Flynn was last to enter.

Miss Harrison turned on out tv attached to the whiteboard and made announcement, which I didn't hear because Carrie leaned forward, "Nice job with the song... I liked it," I turned around and she had a half-hearted smile on her face.

When I turn back around I see Reggie and I on the board. Miss Harrison is playing the video from yesterday. While it's playing Julie and I are singing along. Some kids in the back are humming it as well. Julie turns, so do I and Nick is singing as well.

I smiled, this is what I want as a musician. I don't want the money, or the fame, even though those things are nice. I want the feeling that I can make everyone happy around me. Even Carrie was tapping her foot to the song. I wish more musicians realized it wasn't about the money and it's about the feelings and the music itself.

When the video ended everyone clapped. I just looked around, but Julie pushed me out of my seat. I turned towards the class and took a bow. Miss Harrison smiled and continued on with her lesson. The day started running together as multiple people came up to me to tell me how good my song was.

As Julie and I were walking to our lockers before dance, she realized she forgot to tell me something, "Oh! I almost forgot! My dad and Flynn booked Julie and the Phantoms a garage party at my place tonight! You there?"

I scoffed, "Girl... I practically live at your house. Of course I'm there!"

"Well I didn't know because of the whole Luke thing..."

"There isn't a 'Luke thing' we're fine!"

Julie closed her locker and Luke was standing there. "I'm glad to hear you say that."

I crossed my arms, "Well speak of the devil and he shall appear."

Luke made a fake offended face and smiled right afterwards. "I need to talk to Julie about what song we're playing tonight."

"Oh!" I say, "Well I'll leave you two alone then. I'll see you in the gym, Jules."

"Okay!" She said as I made my way for the gym.

I passed Nick and looked at him, "Well don't you look sharp!"

He smiled, "Yeah, yeah. Make fun later. Kay?"

"Mhm, sure..." I said as I walked to the gym.

Not a whole lot of people were in there since the bell hadn't rung yet. I went over and sat against the folded bleachers. I sat and put earbuds in. I wanted to drown out as much as this class as I could. I look up and see Flynn walking towards me, arms open. I took one earbud out and hugged her.

"That song was amazing!"

"Julie told you about Luke having a crush on me didn't she?"

"Yep, I was going to ease into that, but I guess you know me too well."

I shrugged, "I guess so."

She looked confused, "So what was up with Carrie today?"

"I have no idea! She just said that she liked my song."

"Weird..." I thought she was going to say something else, but the bell rang and she made her way to her partner.

I put my earbud back in and watched the class. Julie looked like she zoned out for a second, starring at a mirror in the middle of the dance, but when she zoned back in she had a huge smile on her face and was mouthing a song. I turned off my music to really read her lips. Oh my God! She's singing Perfect Harmony... the song Alex said Luke wrote about me.

After the final spin she looked disappointed that Nick was her partner, she looked back at the mirror, tucked her hair behind her ear and ran out. I looked at Flynn and we both ran after her.

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