Chapter 22: Cool Teleportation Skills And Good Fashion Taste

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"Jules?" I called out running out of the gym.

"Julie?" Flynn echoed. "Do you know where she could be?"

I shrugged, but then I heard the faint sound of piano playing coming from the music room. My eyes widened and I grabbed Flynn's wrist, "Come on!" I tugged her to the music room and the closer we got, the more the song became clear. Julie was playing Perfect Harmony. The song Luke Patterson wrote for me.

Flynn smiles, "There you are! We've been looking all over for you," Julie instantly stopped playing the piano.

"Sorry, I just needed some air... it was getting a little intense in there."

I chuckled, "Oh, I noticed."

"Dancing with a guy you've had a crush on since forever will do that to a girl," Flynn was happy that Julie was finally getting over Luke.

Preparing for her spirits to be crushed in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1.

Julie tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, "Yeah, but the whole time we were dancing... I was thinking about Luke."

I saw Flynn's face completely change. "Seriously?" She paused for a second. "First of all, called it. Second of all, I know you always want what you can't have, but Luke is next level. You know my opinions on Y/N and Reggie... and they can touch!"

"She's got a point, Jules," I looked down at her.

"I know. And now I think Nick likes me... Nick!"

Flynn and I looked at each other and at the same time we said, "He totally does!"

Julie sighed, "But me and Luke just clicked and he's so-"

"Not real. You can make all the music you want with Luke, but..."

I hated that I was agreeing with Flynn, "He'll always be a ghost."

Flynn sat next to Julie on the piano bench and I sat on one of the barstools. Flynn took Julie's phone from off the piano, "So... here's what we're gonna do. Send Nick a nice little friendly text, asking him to come to your party tonight."

She showed Julie the phone, "I usually don't use that many smiley-faces."

Flynn smiled and hit the send button, "You do now. And trust me, we aren't going to let you get your heart broken. Tonight you'll be performing with Luke... so the goal is to avoid those big, beautiful... dead eyes."

Julie whipped her head towards me on the other side of her, "Will you perform with us? That lady at the coffee place said we'd be good together!"

I looked at both the girls who had pleading eyes, "Uh... I don't know..."

"Please? It would help me with this Luke crush!"

"I understand that Julie, but I don't know wat song you guys are singing and would that be the best idea considering Luke probably still likes me?"

She looked like I just burst her bubble. I bet she forgot that Luke liked me. She thought for a second, "My name is the one in the title of our band so... I say it'll be just fine."

Flynn smiled, "That's my girl."

I rolled my eyes, "Okay fine, I'll do it."

The bell rang, signaling for us to go to our 5th period. I was brainstorming for the rest of the day how I would fit finding an outfit and rehearsing with the guys into a couple of hours. I trudged to my locker. Julie met me with a wide smile.

She led me to her house and when we got to the garage Alex was laying in the loft and Reggie was stretched out on the couch. His head perked up when he heard us come in. Luke was no where that I could see, so I went over and sat on the floor in front of Reggie, he put his head on my shoulder.

"Hey Lex?" I called for Alex.

He went to the railing of the loft and leaned over, "Yeah?"

"Can you do me a favor since you have cool teleportation skills and good fashion taste?"

He smiled and teleported in front of me, "Sure! What do you need?"

"Can you go to my place and grab an outfit for me to wear tonight since I'm performing with you guys?"

"Yeah, what color do you- wait a minute. You said you were performing with us?"

Julie laughed, "Yes Alex. That is exactly what she said."

I heard a soft chuckled from my shoulder. I smiled up at Alex and he nearly jumped from excitement. "Yeah! I'll be back soon."

Before I could say anything, he was gone. When he came back he had a crop-top and jeans in one hand and Reggie's flannel in the other. I smiled and shook off the jacket I had on. I looked at Julie and she gave me the thumbs up. I laid my clothes on the grand piano and checked the time.

I groaned, "Where's Luke?"

Reggie and Julie shrugged. Alex looked down, "He told me not to tell. I don't want to, considering what happened last time."

Reggie shook his head, "He's probably with his parents."

Alex looked at him with a how did you figure it out look. "It doesn't matter, we can still practice without him."

Julie sighed, "Yeah... I guess you're right."

We worked through Edge of Great until Flynn got there and started screaming at us that we weren't in our outfits. Still no Luke. I grabbed my outfit from the piano and bolted up to Julie's room. We both got dressed and did hair and makeup. Jules got something from her mom's chest and I wore the outfit Alex brought me.

 Jules got something from her mom's chest and I wore the outfit Alex brought me

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When we went back down to the garage we heard some cars arrive. Flynn pushed us further into the garage, "It's fine! We got it! Go!" She closed the door and when Reggie saw me he came over and gave me a hug. I looked around and still didn't see Luke.

"Lex, where's Luke? He should be here by now!"

"I'm up here Y/L/N," I heard an almost hoarse voice call from the loft.

"Patterson! If you weren't already dead, I'd kill you myself."

I heard a poof noise and he was behind me, I could feel it. "So violent," I could hear the smile.

I turned around and crossed my arms. "We're going on soon. Are you really wearing that?" I motioned to the grey beanie on his head.

He made an offended face, "This is my signature piece!"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh really? I thought a sleeveless shirt was your signature piece," I put hand quotes around signature. 

He looked like he was about to pout, "I can have two things..."

All of a sudden we heard Flynn announcing us from outside, so we all took our places. Julie and I took deep breaths and marched out into the crowd when those garage doors opened.

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