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Shadow: *he looks at Ika* SHUT THE HELL UP!! *he storms off*

Mystical: okay then.. grumpy pants.. 

Sonic: thank you Suraru for hitting Kore, he deserved that for making us red.. and sorry Reiko Sunlight can't answer that because SOMEONE!! *looking at Kore* made her run off!! but I'll answer it.. oh um well someone wouldn't leave Sunlight alone at the park so I kinda came in and stopped them and that's kinda how we met..

Mystical: I'm not that great at a fight

Shadow: I am!! though I can't show you at the moment because of this stupid onesie!!

Sonic: I'm also good in a fight but I don't need to show you..

Espio: pretty much everyone here can fight, except Cream, Tom, Maddie and Mystical. Though Mystical can fight she just needs to learn.. I'm sorry but I won't show you how I fight either as a ninja never revels there fighting skills unless you want to challenge me? 

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