Chapter 15

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Third P.O.V.

Ramsey finally tracked down Katie's location. They were hiding her in an abandoned warehouse. But what they didn't know it was just going to be Cipher and Katie. Cipher kill the rest of her team saying they were just pawns. None of them had family so no one would miss them.

The team arrives at the warehouse and notices there are no guards. They made sure to be cautious just in case. They hear talking and hid in the shadows. They see it's Katie and Cipher at a table. Katie had handcuffs but they weren't too tight on her. Meaning she could slip out of them.

"So are you going to explain to me why we are here?" Katie asks as she watches Cipher walk back and forth.

"Were waiting for your family. I'm turning myself in. It's less worse than going into hiding." Cipher answers which shocked everyone. "And I know you are there."

Everyone didn't know what to do. She seemed to have sensed them from the shadows. Katie slips out of her handcuffs and sets them on the table.

They walk out from the shadows. Letty runs over to Katie as a few men. Nobody's guys handcuff Cipher who didn't resist.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Letty asks looking for any injuries.

"I'm fine, Letty. Let's just go home." Katie said as they walk out of the warehouse.

Once they arrive back at the base, Katie was tackled to the ground by Moon. Katie looked alarmed and confused.

"What the hell are you guys doing here!?!?" Katie exclaims once she sees the rest of her friends.

"We brought them with us. And explained to them about who we are. Plus there is someone who wants to talk to you." Hobbs answered and Katie looks up at Tory who was avoiding her gaze.

Katie walks over and leads Tory to a different room. It was a room with a mirror but only Tory thought that. Katie knows it was plexiglass. Katie's friends and family watched from the other side.

The two sit down in the chairs. And Tory finally looks up at Katie.

"What's wrong baby?" Katie asks.

Tory shakes her head. With a few tears falling down her face.

"What is it? You can tell me." Katie asks.

"I don't want you to get mad. I don't want you to think that I cheated on you. So please don't get mad. But, I'm. . . . . . .pregnant."Tory said and Katie doesn't say a word.

Katie stands up and walks around trying to process what her girlfriend just said. Tory was on the verge of tears. Their friends were scared if Katie would lash out. Katie's family knew what was happening.

"Babe, please look at me." Tory said walking over to her girlfriend.

"I can't." Katie said with tears in her eyes.

"What do you mean, you can't?" Tory asks confused.

"I need to tell you a story. That I haven't told my family except Mia." Katie said and the others looked at Mia who instantly knew what she was talking about.

"I got a girl pregnant three years ago. She wanted me to stay with her through the pregnancy. I did but once the baby was born, I left. I couldn't take care of a baby. I was too young to care for a kid. I know she's trying to track me down. The kid would be around three turning four soon. I didn't want to deal with a kid because I want ready. If you want to break up with me. Just let me know. If you don't want me in our kids life let me know." Katie said.

"It wasn't your fault you weren't ready. You were fifteen. Im not breaking up with you because I love you. I want you in our child's life. So please do this for me." Tory said with tears falling down her face.

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