Chapter 5

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Third P.O.V.

Katie and her friends were in the library studying when the Cobra Kai students walked in.

"Oh great." Katie said and the others followed where she was looking.

Katie noticed a new girl with them.

"They have someone new." Katie said and everyone looked at where she was looking.

The Cobra Kai students sat close enough to hear what they were talking about but not close enough for the Miyagi-Do Karate students to notice.

"Do you guys want to come to the shop?" Katie asks.

"I would love to but i'm helping my mom." Moon said.

"Its fine. I completely understand. Next time maybe?" Katie asks.

"Of course." Moon said before leaving the table.

That's when Sam notices the cross necklace.

"That's beautiful." Sam said and Katie looks at her.

"What is?" Katie asks confused.

"Your necklace." Sam said.

"Oh this old thing. Its been part of my family for years. You know how I told you that Tej, Roman, Ramsey, Mr. Nobody, Hobbs and the others aren't actually my family?" Katie asks.

"Yeah." Sam said nodding.

"Well, Dom see's them as family so everyone gets one of these. And I had found some extra ones. Would you guys accepted them if I gave you one. Because once you get one you become family to the Toretto family." Katie said.

Katie looks in her bag and brought out a bunch of cross necklaces. She hands one to each of the Miyago-Do students who grab them.

"Are you serious?" Sam asks.

"Of course. I see you guys as my best friends and family. If you wear them then my brother's enemies won't mess with you. We've had our bad luck with enemies trying to kill us. But I'll explain it later." Katie said as they all put their necklaces on.

"Is your brother, okay with this?" Chris asks.

"Of course. I asked him this morning." Katie said with a big smile.

That's when her phone dings and she checks it. Its an unknown number and decides to check the message. The others noticed her confusion.

"What's wrong?" Demetri asks.

"I got a message from an unknown number." Katie said before tapping on the message.

"Read it out loud." Sam said and held her best friend's hand. 

"Hello, Katiebella Toretto. You may be wondering how I know you. Well you'll see me in a few minutes." Katie read out loud and she looks to her friends.

"That's not creepy at all." Chris said.

"I'm calling my brother. Sam come with me since I don't want to be alone." Katie said getting up grabbing her stuff along with Sam.

"Hey why not us?" Demetri asks.

"Fine come on you guys." Katie and the group leaves.

The group stands on the stairs and Katie calls her brother.

"Katie, why are you calling me during school?" Dom asks his younger sister.

"I just got a text from someone unknown. They knew my name and they said I'll see who they are in a few minutes. I'm scared Dom." Katie said and her friends how helpless she looked.

Cobra Kai students were also watching from the rails.

"I'll be there in a few minutes. Letty, I'll be right back." Dom yells to Letty who just nods her.

"I'm heading out now." Dom said and Katie hears his engine.

Dom hangs up and Katie just starts crying and Sam comforts her.

"Demetri. Aisha. Can you guys go get her bags?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." Aisha said and the two run off.

"We need to get to class." Sam said and everyone does so.

They were all in the same class which was English. They sat at a table together in the back since the teacher set them there. Twenty minutes went by when the intercom came on.

"Mr. Jones?" The secretary asks.

"Yes?" Mr. Jones asks.

"Katiebella Toretto is being signed out." The secretary said and turned the intercom off. Mr. Jones looks at Katie.

"Ms. Toretto you may go. There's no homework tonight." Mr. Jones said and Katie nods.

She walks to the office where she see's Dom who hugs her instantly. The two walk out of the school building and get in Dom's car.

It was quiet the entire way to the shop. When they get there Katie gets out of the car and runs to Dom's office where she feels safe. The others watched her run in their.

"What's wrong with her?" Letty asks worried for her younger sister-in-law.

"She got a text from an unknown number. Ramsey!" Dom yells and said woman ran in.

"Track the unknown number on Katie's phone see where they are." Dom said and Ramsey nods before getting to work.

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