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Dipper sat at the kitchen table with a notepad placed in front of him, at the top in bold writing said 'WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH GRAVITY FALLS?' He aggressively clicked his pen, his frustration sending him into madness. On the other hand Mabel was watching Ricky run through courses she had made out of cutlery, she laughed as the creature ran over finish line, which was a cheese string.
"Is Mabel a animal whisperer? Is the rat mutated? Is there something seriously wrong with this town?" He began to murmur under his breath.
"Hey bro bro, what you want for breakfast? He has cornflakes or porridge?" Mabel questioned, now standing on the counter, Ricky seated on her shoulder. She hopped down and went to the fridge, opening it up with a loud squeak. "He has no milk... Hey we can have grapes for breakfast!" She said grabbing the clear container of fresh grapes, she threw it on the table and jumped on the seat. "What cha writin' bout?" She asked Dipper eagerly.
"Mabel, listen to me. I've nailed it down to 2 options, your an animal whisperer or there is something wrong with this place." He replied, running his fingers through his brown hair.
"That would be so cool if I was!" Mabel squealed, placing 2 grapes in her mouth.
"Good morning kids." Greeted Ford, he walked over to the table and sat down with a yawn. He had his sweater sleeves rolled up, jacket missing and giant bags under his eyes. "What you two looking at?" He questioned blandly, looking down at the two brunettes.
"Great Uncle Ford do you know anything about Gravity Falls being weird? It's either thta or Mabel's an animal whisperer or I'm going insane!" He shouted grabbing the sides of his head.
"Yes actually, why?" Ford questioned once again, a little curiosity showing through his voice.
"Last night I asked Mabel if she was sure Ricky, the rat, didn't had like rabbis or something and Mabel claimed he was fine and asked him 'aren't you Ricky?' AND THE RAT NODDED! IT BLOODY NOODED IN AGREEMENT!" The young boy blurted out.
"Dipper calm down, look if you kids are going to be staying in this town I may as well tell you about GFWM." Ford reassured.
"What's that?" Mabel uttered in confusion.
"Gravity Falls Weirdness Magnetism, this town is a magnet for strange occurrences. From talking gnomes to creatures only seen behind you, this is why I came here, to investigate this and I haven't got an answer yet. But I know this weirdness is dangerous, and I need you to have something, but promise me you will only use it in self-defence and won't go out looking for trouble?" The elder explained, the twins nodded. He reached out to behind him and pulled out a journal, from seemingly nowhere. He placed it on the table in front of the children, it was a slick red book, a golden six fingered hand  pasted on the cover, a 3 painted with ink in the palm of this hand.
"This is one of 3 journals I have to document this weirdness, it tells you about these creatures and for most part how to defeat these strange beings. But anyways!" He said sliding the journal over to Dipper. "I have to go grocery shopping!" He jumped out his seat and grabbed the sticky note off their fridge door, they write what they need once they run out. "Now, is there anything extra someone didn't add to the list?" Ford asked.
"MILK!" Mabel exclaimed, putting one hand in the air.
"Okay, now you kids behave. Bye!" Ford dashed out the door, as Dipper began to flip through the journal.

Fairies? The Gremlobolin? Zombies? This all sounds like something from a fantasy story, this couldn't be true.
Or was it?

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