Harry - Lou's

^ bcos he's sweet, goofy, the youngest, protective, loving, clumsy, flirty, I could go on 😂

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^ bcos he's sweet, goofy, the youngest, protective, loving, clumsy, flirty, I could go on 😂

*hits Zayn with a book*
"My poor baby... Want me to kiss it better?"
"Pssh, come off it. You totally missed me."
"Come on, there's too many beautiful people here..."
"Boo bear, what the fu-"
"You take that back, Irish princess!"
"We're getting drunk off our asses, tonight."
"He's my boyfriend. I am physically incapable of being mad at him at the moment."

Louis - Hazza's

Louis - Hazza's

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^ bcos... Gosh does it rlly need explaining? The cussing, the obsession with the boy above, the sassssssss

*aggressively kisses Harry*
"I'm sorry, who's getting fucked?"
"It's his baby, his boo, his honey, that bitch right there."
"Hey leprechaun, how's life?"
*comforting* "there there, you total idiot, there there"
"It's either mock sympathy or plain laughter, pick one"
"We've cuddled and fucked enough times to be a married couple"

Niall - Permanently Holds Captainage of the S.Ses Ziam and Larry

^ bcos he holds both of their freaking chaotic energy, cares a shit ton about who he cares about, teases to show his love, funny lil dum-dum

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^ bcos he holds both of their freaking chaotic energy, cares a shit ton about who he cares about, teases to show his love, funny lil dum-dum

*ships intensely*
"You fancy English men fucking disgust me."
"I'm bored as shit."
"By the way, got food?"
"Oh, fuck you Louis, you aren't helping."
"You'll regret this when I give a speech at your wedding but go off, kings"
"Your lives are better than any bl romance out there"
"I mean he has a girlfriend but the gays always find a way, in the end"
"Is anyone else excited? I feel tingly. Is anyone else excited?!"
"Ho... Ly... Shit."
"Fuck yeah, Ziam for the wi-"

Stanley - Ur Favourite Comic Store Owner

Stanley - Ur Favourite Comic Store Owner

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^bcos... I just... I wanted to, okay? 🙃

*worries about Liam and Zayn*
"I've been putting these glasses on for years now and you're one of the few to mention the resemblance."
"I have a feeling you might just become a regular."
"I'm worried about that kid."
"Back in my day..."
"Go talk to him, go on now!"
"Quit your whining. I'm an old fucking man, alright?"

Doniya - Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss

^ she's fiery, independent, a bosslady and is protective of her loved one

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^ she's fiery, independent, a bosslady and is protective of her loved one

*yells at Zayn*
Go geek out
I wish I gave a shit, I truly do :'(
"I'm really really sorry for smacking you in the head but can you really blame me"
"I'm glad you have friends, you antisocial idiot"
"I'm bloody exhausted, Zayn, fuck off-"
"What happened at that party? D'you need me to beat the shit out of anyone?"

Okay. Alright. I had too much fun w this 😂 and I need to rest I've been fixating on getting this done for hours, don't ask me why cos I couldn't answer if I tried? Anyway... Umm... Super drained rn and finding it hard to type proper shit so enjoy, I hope and g'bye 👋🏾🤍

After writing all this I just realised I'm pretty good at this writing shit. Pretty damn good. And that's on self-excellence 🔥

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