Chapter 1

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Zayn Malik was up another day in his new home. He almost didn't recognise his surroundings but then he took a moment and remembered the events that brought him there, letting out a sigh. He felt bad for his older sister. It couldn't have been easy having someone new live there, especially when days before he came, she had been ranting proudly about having all that boss woman autonomy living alone. Nothing could be done about it now, though.

"Zayn! God, what are you doing up?! You scared me!" He froze and scratched the back of his neck. If not for that yell, he might have opened the bathroom door without thinking and he definitely didn't want to imagine that. A bittersweet smile rose on his face because he remembered how, before she moved away, he was constantly opening her bedroom or bathroom door just to throw something inside or yell to bother her when they were kids.

"Sorry, Don. I wanted to get ready for school and all... But it's six am, why the hell are you up?"

"I have a business to attend to but just so you know, idiot, school doesn't start this early. It's not like Bradford. You can go eight or nine, the office will give you your schedule from there."

"Oh." Damn. He wasn't going to get anywhere sleep-wise, now. It was always a struggle, what with his mind running about at a hundred miles per hour. He huffed and thought for a moment, a smirk rising on his face as he opened the door just wide enough and chucked his slipper into the room. Doniya yelled at him as he laughed, running off but both siblings had smiles on their faces. The circumstances weren't the best but they had missed each other.

He heated up some leftover pizza from the day before, then walked out the door, planning to do a little exploring before he got to school. Luckily, Doniya's apartment was stationed close enough that he could walk to school in about fifteen minutes if he desired. He really didn't want to but at the moment, he couldn't think of any other options.

He walked down the street blindly, not paying much attention. His fingers itched to draw but he had nowhere to stop and sit so he forced himself to look for a distraction, blanking out when he spied an old, faded painting on the Avengers symbol at the other end of the street. On further inspection, his sharp eyes spotted shelves and he felt hope rise in his chest for the first time since he'd moved in with his sister.

Don!!! Why didn't you tell me?! Is that a comic book store I see...? 🤩

I had no idea there was one on our street honestly. I don't really have cause to go that route, most times. But hey, good for you, you've got some time to burn, right? Go geek out.

Ugh 🙄

Knock yourself out, baby Zain.

It's ZAYN, now.

I wish I gave a shit, I truly do :'(

He rolled his eyes and muttered "bitch" under his breath, suddenly remembering he had a store to run to. And run, he definitely did. Some people glanced at him but he could care less because it ws really none of their business. They weren't the ones who were about to witness a boy stim the fuck out in a comforting space, were they?

Strangely, the moment he entered, he saw a head duck down at the other end of the shop. He didn't put much thought to it, though and scanned shelf after shelf, hopping from foot to foot from joy. He simply lacked the energy to restrain himself and besides, the place was practically empty, other than the store owner.

He heard a chuckle from the old man and looked up. He usually wasn't the type to approach people, partly because he was a little awkward when it came to social situations but also because people didn't tend to interest him enough for that, but there was something about this guy.

The Comic Book Store (z.m)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon