London press confrence

Start from the beginning

"Woah woah woah, Did I miss a fucking chapter or a book of you life. ARE YOU TWO TOGETHER? "Logan pressed

"Oh my god, do you want to shout any fucking louder and let everyone know" I pull away from talia, "bloody hell yes we're together, happily a lot of shit happed drama and secrets but everything worked out and me and talia got together."

"Fucking hell I didn't  see that happening. Wait you were with Simon? Right ?" He turned to talia. Wanting all the answers.

"Yes I was, but jj was always the one for me"

"Well shit congratulations though you two look really happy together"

"Thank you mate it's glad to see no one frowning on this we just got the public to tell but we're saving that out for after everything"

Talia leaves around twenty minutes later, me and Logan are getting a brief on what's gonna happen up there on stage.

"So" Logan asks, " how long have you and talia being a thing?"

"We'll around a month and a half" 

"And you never decided to tell me" he pushed, not in rude or hurt way.

"I was going to tell you but I'm hardly on my phone in camp and when I home I'm either sleeping, eating or filming, I don't get a brake unless I'm with her."

"You seem really happy with her, like she keeping you from falling apart"

"She's the reason I'm getting myself through this camp, she's the last through that goes through my head before I throw my last punch to knock someone out, it's like she has a power over me and it's definitely working"

" man get out of here, you whipped as fuck"

"Fuck off"

Me and Logan decided to go up on stage together, the twat jake wanted to go up first and have all the attention before I came up, little to his little heads knowledge his brother had his arm around my shoulder supporting me and not  him.

Jake came out, being the absolute cunt he is, his trainers came through with him.

After he had settled down In his seat it became obvious that there was one seat next to him not filled, I was about to question it until it was answered for me by the wanker in the seat next to is.

"Logan, I'm not sure where you are in my back room but hurry the fuck up, your late"

"I'm here dickhead just wait a second then you'll see me" he said to himself stood next to me.

My music started to play as the signal that it was our time to step up onto to stage. I took a deep breath and stared to walk, Logan on my side, I didn't smile, my head high, my confidence and ego all on for show as I walked up the stairs onto the stage.

The crowd erupted into cheers when I was seen but even bigger shouts and screams when Logan was  seen walking next to me.

All the ego that Jake was showing on his face sank to his feet when he saw his brother. It made me smile I'm not going to lie now.

We got to our seats, me, Logan, Viddal and big Leon at the end and let's not forget Steve on the sideline's.

I was the first one to speak, holding the mic up " well well well if I didn't see all that confidence leave your body in a matter of me taking three steps then I'd say the only other reason you went from red to pale in that amount of time would be that your a ghost"

I went to sit back down after his dead reply of "I still got the confidence of my fits"

I let Logan take this one and for the first five to ten minutes of the press conference you'd think that the fight would be Logan vs jake but Logan made sure to turn the attention back to me after he drained him of what he had to say.

While Logan and Jake were at it I searched for the zone that the troops were in and looked about it for talia. My eyes suddenly locked with hers and a new found confidence flooded over me telling me that I could do this. She nodded her head at me and I released my eyes from hers.

Insults were throw back a forth, questions were answered in the best way possible and coaches answered what they needed too, me and Logan just took the piss a bit really jake was no good at press conferences and it shows, he was crippled as soon as Logan showed his face next me with team ksi on his shirt.

I was glad when it was over and  done with, during that hole conference I locked eyes with my girl way too many times, she can be a very good distraction when she wanted to be and it drove me insane.

By the time every one was in the back room talia was already waiting for me there comfortable on the sofa. As soon as everyone had seen her they all separated to go do something, Logan went to go find coffee, Viddal went to the toilets and Leon just went off somewhere because he doesn't like being in uncomfortable situations.

Everyone had scurried off to do something and me a talia were left alone, she wasted no time in rushing over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and placing a passionate kiss on my lips: the kiss got deeper and deeper to the point where I had sat down and she was on my lap, her hands had placed themselves on the back of my neck, pulling me closer if that was possible, my hands had secured themselves on her hips holding her down on my lap firmly. She slowly started to move. Grinding her hips into mine, I loved it but someone was gonna walk in.

I pulled myself away from the kiss she whimpered from the loss of contact, she stopped her movements which made me let out a small moan of annoyance.

"We can't bab, not here people will be coming back any second now and it's too risky to be doing anything in public" I explained, "no matter how much I want too" I whispered in her ear.

She whimpered again rolling her head back, " don't tease me"

I laughed and just to push her a little further with the open opportunity and sent a few kisses down her neck, she let out a small moan and her hand flew to the back of my head to try and attempt to keep me where I was, I trailed my kisses up, to her jawline, to her ears. To her cheek and finally on her lips but quickly pulled away so she couldn't get the satisfaction she wanted from me.

"Your a fucking tease" she growls at me very annoyed with my actions.

"Sorry bab"

No one's pov

Jj and talia had there fun in the back room completely in aware of any of there surroundings.

Also meaning that they didn't know about the person who walked in looking for his brother.

Now everything gets fucked up

All I'm gonna say is I'm really really sorry that I haven't posted in such a long time, you get rid of shit Mates and all of a sudden you want to write again


The love affair//ksi and talia Where stories live. Discover now