The Heart of Fire

Start from the beginning


Zoey took off right after the ceremony. She waited until she was out of the sight of anyone else and sped the rest of the way to Stone Canyon in a blur and came to a stop at the base of a mountain range. She looked around and walked through the shadows of two boulders. She stopped as she reached what looked like an oasis. The wind picked up as she stepped onto the lake. It felt walking on solid ground as she went through a portal to a different world.

Once through, she could see beautiful green grass and trees. Ancient temples, complete with training arenas, could be seen in the middle of the land. Walking through the Academy, she could see her fellow students training. Each student dressed in black gear with either an orange or pink outline. She was about to pull off her workout clothes she wore at the competition, to reveal her own suit, when someone called her name.

"Zoey, there you are." She turned around to face her Sensei. She was an older woman, with grey streaks running through her auburn hair. She was a kind and patient woman, with calm green eyes that seemed to be aware of everything. When she looked into your eyes, it felt like she could see right through you.

"Sensei Rekka? How can I help you?" Zoey bowed respectfully, "I thought we weren't meeting until after classes."

"I would like to speak with you now. Please." At her teacher's request, she followed her into the main building and up the stairs to her office, shutting the door. Zoey had been inside the office many times, usually for a lecture on not pulling pranks on her fellow students or to receive some award for one thing or another.

"I have received word from Sensei Watanabe that the Wind Ninja Academy has been attacked," Zoey's purple eyes widened as she stared at her teacher. "All but three of the students have been captured, and neither of us have heard anything from Sensei Omino. I fear the Thunder Ninja Academy has also fallen." Sensei turned around to Zoey. "And we don't have to worry about the others."

"Because of how well protected they are." Zoey tilted her head, curiously "Um, no offence Sensei, but why are you telling me this?"

"You were my best student, Zoey. And I know that it is only a matter of time before the Flame Ninja Academy is attacked as well." Zoey stared at her, still not understanding. "I want you to have this." Her Sensei held out a small wooden box that had been on her desk for as long as Zoey could remember. Slowly, the girl took it from her and opened it to reveal a large device that was black in color, with pink and gold streaks running along it. It held a pink disk with a Fox on top.

Though she feared she knew exactly what it was, she asked anyways. "What is this?"

"This is your Fire Morpher," She explained. "Sensei Watanabe has passed on the three Wind Morphers to his remaining students. I am not sure of the two from the Thunder Ninja Academy or the other two schools. But this one is for you. All you do to activate it, is say Fire Storm, Ranger Form." Zoey stood in stunned silence as the woman explained this to her. She couldn't believe this was happening. Her? A Power Ranger? Like her brother?

"But... why me?" She managed to ask after a moment. "You have an entire school of amazing students and teachers out there.

"Oh, Zoey. You were a 3-time junior black belt by the time you were 12. At 19, you've become a second-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, a third-degree black belt in karate and Aikido, and a first-degree black belt in Judo, Muay Thai, and Jujitsu. You have mastered every Fire Form taught at this Academy. And though you've graduated, first in your class I might add, you still come back and teach. You always put others before you. You are an honorable young woman with a kind heart. You are the right choice to be the Pink Fire Ninja Ranger." She smiled. "And before you say anything, this has nothing to do with your brother." She spoke as she pushed the box back toward the young Ninja, "You've earned this." Zoey picked it up, and sighed.

Ninja Storm: The Pink Ninja RangerWhere stories live. Discover now