This is a suicidal mission, but it was worth the intention. You wanted to kill the main threat to avenge Rua. You could either be captured and tortured to death, or die on the spot. Either way, you'd go out in honor and join Rua in the afterlife. This mission was worth it.

You jumped over to another rooftop and dashed across the air to cling onto an edge of the castle. Hanging from the edge, you started to shimmy across the platform and made your way around the building. You came to a small vent opening that led into the building on the side of the wall, so you crawled inside and made your way in.

Eventually, you found yourself inside a see-through vent attached to the roof. The vent area was in the main hallway, so you had to be careful not to make any sounds in the vent. You came to the end of the vent passageway, which led into a private room. You kicked the vent cover opened and escaped the vent opening. You tiptoed towards the door and slightly opened it a crack. You poke your head out to observe the hallway, which was surprisingly clear.

So you ran down the hall and tried to look for the Minister's room. Once you found it, you quietly opened the door and saw the that bedroom was dark. The covers on the bed in the room looked like someone was underneath there. It had to be the Minister! You crept over to the bed slowly and raised your sword high.

You roughly stabbed into the covers, but there was no blood squirting from it. You threw the covers off and found no one in the bed.

(YN): Crap. I'm in the wrong room. *places sword in sheath*

???: No, you're right.

The lights were turned on as soon as you heard the voice behind you. You turned around and found Syura standing in the room along with many Imperial soldiers standing beside him. Two of the soldiers were holding metal bats and there were also two soldiers wearing karate black belts, showing that they were experienced in martial arts.

Syura: You are in the right room. It's just he's not here. I saw you sneaking in here without your attention, desperately trying to kill my father. How inconvenient.

(YN): You just don't know when to quit being noisy, Syura.

Syura: Guess we got that in common.

(YN): One way or another, I'm killing your father. Now we can do this the easy way or-

Syura: Yeah, yeah. Or the hard way. But I think you know my choice.

(YN): Then we've got that in common, too.

Soundtrack: (Deadpool Videogame: See No Evil Theme 3, video time [0:41:51])

The first soldier came forward and swung his bat at you, but you pushed the bat down and hand palm striked his face and low punched his thigh. Another soldier went for a punch, so you blocked his incoming attack and slammed both of your hands against both sides of his ears to damage his hearing.

(YN): Uh!

You overhead punched another guy down, then two more soldiers went for punches. You countered them by grabbing both of their faces and slammed them down to the floor. You jumped and threw a kick to one soldier, but he blocked it by holding his arms up. The man behind you swung his bat, but you duck under his swing, grabbed the bat and forcibly hit his face with the bat. You threw a kick at a martial artist soldier, but he blocked your kick with his leg and tried to kick you back. However, you blocked his kick with your arms and backhand punched him before you flipped him over yourself. One soldier aimed a punch, but you weaved back and swung punched his face left and right before kicking him back. Syura went over for a punch, so you spun around and elbow striked his face to send him down. You pushed one soldier down and roughly twisted his right leg to break it, leaving him to scream in agony. You punched another guy, then the second martial artist ran over. You blocked a punch and high kick from him. He spun around for a reverse roundhouse kick, but you spun on his kick and grabbed his leg, then you elbow striked his stomach and sent him over your shoulder. You rushed forward and knee kicked another guard, then you rushed and tried to punch the other martial artist, but he weaved back and pushes you. Next, he raised his leg for a kick, but you grabbed his foot and flipped him up and kicked his body away easily. You countered another guard's punch by double palm striking his chest and spun on another guard's punch and elbow struck his back. Syura himself aimed a kick, so you ducked under his leg and punched his other leg to trip him down. Another guard aimed a double kick technique, so you hit his leg down and grabbed his collar to uppercut punch him and headbutt his face. You went for a punch on a martial artist, but he countered and punches your face. He went for another one, but you countered back and punched him back. You jumped up and spun around to kick Syura in the face, which ended up knocking him out. A martial artist ran, jumped and sent a flying punch, but you shifted to the side. The martial artist reverse spun to try and trick you with a backhand strike, but you seen it coming and blocked his fist, then you punched his rib and knee kicked his face to knock him out. You performed a jumping spinning roundhouse kick to knock another soldier down.

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