Elijah's Back

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(3rd POV)

Rebekah, Hayley, and Sophie forgot one important thing when they left for the Bayou. Julianne was still in the house, all by herself. Now, what does a 3-year-old do by herself? She wonders, she managed to get outside and walked away from the house. Kieran, a priest saw her. He said "Hey sweet girl, where are your mommy and daddy?" she said "They bye-bye." he kneeled in front of her and said "How about you come with me." he held his hand out for hers, she took his hand and he slowly walked with her to the church. He picked her up as he entered, he saw Marcel coming down the stairs. 

(Marcel's POV)

Kieran who was holding Jules said "Now what? You just gonna leave her up there for anybody to find?" frustrated I said, "I'm not in the mood, Kieran." I took the toddler from him as Kieran said "You were supposed to get her out of New Orleans after the Harvest. We failed those other three girls, we didn't fail her! That is why I came to you for help. That was the plan. What are you gonna do with the baby?" I sighed "Plans change. As for her, that's none of your concern." Kieran said, "Especially after you found out how powerful she was." I said "Let's get something straight... for eight months since you left, I've been running this town just fine. I don't need you coming back and gettin' in my business. I will do what I want, where I want. Got it?" he said "You wanna be the boss? You wanna call the shots? Fine. But I call the shots with the humans. And you don't wanna make an enemy of me. So, I would suggest one thing... stay away from my niece." I scoffed "Fine. Who the hell's your niece?" I went to leave but he called out "Cami. And I don't want to find that baby's body anywhere." I shook my head "I don't kill kids, you know that." and I left. 

Klaus was in the courtyard when I arrived he said "Taking me on a field trip to distract me? Pathetic. And obvious. I taught you better than that." I said "You taught me to protect what's mine. You will not take Davina from me... end of story." Klaus said "An immutable law of nature, Marcel, is the strong always take from the weak." seeing where this was going I put the child down as I said, "Oh if you were so strong, you wouldn't have run away from New Orleans like a little bitch all those years ago."

(Elijah's POV)

I arrived at the courtyard as Niklaus punched Marcel in the face, Nikki was playing with a stick on the dirt so I picked her up as Niklaus said "You've been playing king with a bunch of children for too long. Don't mistake me for one of your nightwalker lackeys, Marcel. I can take Davina anytime I like." Marcel lunged for him but I knocked him back down then said "Do forgive me, Marcel. If anyone is to teach my brother a lesson... it's me. but you can answer why you had my niece." Marcel said "The priest in town found her wandering by herself. He was going to keep her in his church but I took her since I knew who she belonged to." I nodded and pushed my brother to start walking home. 

Niklaus walked inside and Rebekah said "Nik, finally! What..." I walked in and she ran to hug me. I hugged her back and saw Hayley smile at me then leave the room. Rebekah said "Elijah! You're safe! Now that you're home, is your first plan to kill Niklaus?" I said "No my first plan is to kill you." she said "Me? What did I do?" I said "What did you do? Dear sister, you and Hayley left Nikki all by herself and she got out, Marcel brought her back. What if someone attacked her? She is 3, she cannot defend herself. It was stupid to leave a child alone, let alone our niece. Just... excuse me just a moment." irritated I went to the backyard as Hayley said, "You're back." I grinned "I'm back." She took Nikki from me, then slapped me in the face saying "Don't make promises you can't keep. Welcome home." she walked inside and even though she slapped me I couldn't help but smile. 

Later we were all in the study and I said "Everything that brought us here to New Orleans was a lie. This story that Sophie Deveraux fabricated, this struggle for control of the French Quarter, this war between vampires and witches, wasn't over territory at all, this was over Davina. Eight months ago, Sophie Deveraux and her sister Jane-Anne lost everything. Now, four months after that, a young pregnant girl wanders into their restaurant. Suddenly, all hope is renewed. Jane-Anne actually sacrificed her life so that her sister can use you to find Davina. If Sophie Deveraux is successful in capturing Davina, she can return Jane-Anne's daughter back to life. We thought we'd come here to wage a war for power. This is about family. In order to return her niece to life, Sophie Deveraux will fight to the death. That makes her more dangerous than anyone." and we all went about our day with this knowledge. 

(Hayley's POV)

The next morning Klaus was sitting in the den with Elijah and they read while Nikki played with some wooden blocks. Rebekah said "So, this is what you do the first time we're back together as a family? Vampire book club?" Klaus said "Reading edifies the mind, sister. Isn't that right, Elijah?" Elijah said "Yes, that's quite right, Niklaus." she said "And what's this business?" she gestured to the dead girl on the table Elijah said, "This is a... peace offering." Klaus sighed "I presumed, after so much time desiccating in a coffin, that my big brother might be a bit peckish." Elijah annoyed stated "And I explained to my little brother that forgiveness cannot be bought. I'd simply prefer to see a change in behavior that indicates contrition and personal growth. Not this nonsense." Klaus grinned "Well, I couldn't very well let her go to waste, could I?" Rebekah said "Well, I suppose I'll go fetch the rubbish bin because she's staining a two-hundred-year-old carpet." Elijah said "Ah, yes." I picked up the cute toddler and said "Let's get some food." and took her to the kitchen. 

I put her in a chair and started to search for something to eat. Elijah came in and said "Good morning." I smiled "Hey." Rebekah came through dragging a trashcan. I said, "Listen, I know Jules and I are the only ones in this house that actually drink milk, but would it kill any of you to make sure it's on the grocery list?" Rebekah said "Speaking of, add bleach." and headed to the living room. Elijah dug around the cupboards as I portioned some fruit for Jules he said "You know, I do hope my siblings were hospitable to you in my absence." I said "In your absence, as you like to call it... which is a way-too-polite way of saying that your brother put a dagger in your heart... I have been in charge of Jules the whole time and in that time we have been attacked by French Quarter vampires, we've had to live in a house with a secret dungeon full of coffins, and we were nearly murdered by witches who are convinced both babies together make up Lucifer." 

Elijah pulled out milk and orange juice and poured me a bowl of cereal and Jules a sippy cup of milk. I said "Oh... milk... They've been fine. Your siblings are weirdly protective, I know I have you to thank for that." he handed me the bowl "I'm just happy to see that you're in one piece. So, back to the murderous witches. I have some concerns." I said "They're evil. And, my life is still magically linked to Sophie Deveraux, which is not comforting." he said, "Yes, I think it's time we took care of that little problem." Rebekah enters dragging a body behind her "I am all for it. As soon as they're unlinked, we get to leave this crap town. Who do we have to kill?" Elijah said, "Probably no one." I looked at him skeptically making him roll his eyes and sigh then said, "Alright, potentially everyone." and he left the kitchen, leaving me and Jules to eat our breakfast.

Mikaelson HeiressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora