Mafia's Angel. 10

Start from the beginning

"Liar". He lightly punched his chest. "You said you are heartless, cold, drenched in blood. But here i can only inhale your warm scent". He pulled off to see Tae in his eyes.

"If i have you, i wont need to be scared of anything right"? Mew asked softly and Tae just enveloped him in his arms. He would never let Mew go.

/*Flash back ends*/

"You are scared that Phi Tae is Mafia, then who are you? Arent you the part of same Mafia"? Mew looked into Max's eyes.

"Am not demanding any explanation from you Phi. Whatever you do, you will still be my Phi Maxie. And i wont trade you for anyone or anything. But Phi.. Phi Tae is my happiness.

I dont want to live without you Phi. But i cannot live without Phi Tae either. And i will still be a part of Mafia even if i stay with you.

I dont want to choose between either of you so i am begging you Phi. I wont ask for anything ever,  please give me Phi Tae". Max saw his baby bro. The 3 4 years old Mew. Asking for his favorite snacks.

The same quivering lips, misty eyes. The only difference, this time he was asking for a man. And not any ordinary man, Tae Darvid Kreepolrerk. The living death.

"Mew..". He licked his lips looking at Tul and then Tae. Tul held his hand assuring him. Mew was an adult now. He could decide for himself. And he could clearly see Tae had already decided.

Max saw Tul, and then Mew, finally he turned to face Tae who had pulled Mew back to his chest. Not forcing but a protective arm around his shoulders was enough to say his stance. Max knew where Tae stands in Mew's life.

"Okay. I trust Mew with you. But one tear and you will never see him again". Max said in a stern tone. Tae raise his eyebrows with a slight smirk. He knew it wont happen again..


Tae was reading a file in his bed. He had his reading glasses on and his otherwise sleeked hair were hanging in bangs.

He looked up to the door as he heard a faint knock  and smiled to see a head peeping inside.

"Mew wants to sleep here". Mew asked cutely making Tae chuckle. He patted the space next to him and grinned widely to see Mew quickly sneaked inside the room with his plush and jumped into the bed.

"Haaaaaa. Finalllllyyyyy". Mew was being overdramatic. He was sprawling on the bed, arms and legs wide open and the plush little puppy was laying on his chest.

"Did you take bath"? Tae asked slightly pinching his nose.

"Kurbbbb. I know you wont let me sit within 10 meters if not". Mew rubbed his nose replying sassily.

Tae smiled at him before bending down to kiss his head.

"Why it smell familiar Bub? Need to tell anything"? He said with a known look.

"Surely it will be familiar. I stole your toiletries. Hehehehehehe". Mew giggled. Tae faked a shock but ending up laughing too.

"Here. Slip in". Tae pulled the duvet on him as Mew laid sideways, facing Tae.

"Phii". Tae was again focusing on file when he heard Mew.

"Yes Bub"?

"Phi busy"?

"Just 5 minutes Bub".


"Phi.. 5 minutes gone".

"Bub. Not even a needle moved on the clock". Tae bit his lip to supress his laugh. He heard a low huff and he could see Mew jutting his lips, puffing his cheeks from his peripheral vision.

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