1) And You're Positive?

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Niall's POV

Are you sure it's positive? I asked my gorgeous girlfriend Candace .

she showed me the little stick and just as I had hoped it wouldn't say . It said positive . I was going to be a father . I am only 18 years old and I don't think I am ready for this but I can not leave Candace alone during her pregnancy , she is my everthing.

Oh my God . I'm gonna be a daddy !!! I shouted at the top of my lungs .

I scooped up my girlfriend, spun her around and kissed her , she was my other half and even though we were so young all I could be was happy .

I love you . I said staring deeply into her eyes .

I love you too baby . Candace responded


The next day around noon , we went to see the doctor to confirm the pregnancy

As Candace and I patently waited in the examination room i grabbed Candace's hand , looked deep into her bright green and brown orbs and said

Whatever happens, not matter what . I will never leave your side and I will always love you .

she smiled at me and said

thank you baby . You are the most amazing boyfriend in the world , i love you soo much and I promise too , that I'm not going anywhere .

We looked deep into eachothers eyes when the doctor walked in .

Candace's POV

When the doctor walked in I got butterflies and goosebumps all over . I squeezed Niall's hand so hard from nervousness (is that a word? idk..), that he winced slightly .

Alright.. Mrs. Peters looked down at her clipboard ,,I have some news

I felt Niall squeeze my hand .

You aren't pregnant .

Her words echoed in my ears for several seconds when Niall broke the silence with a sigh of relief, he was holding his breath . Was he happy about this ?! We would definitely be discussing this later .

thank you doctor. Niall replied

Remember to use protection next time . You guys are still kids .

We are 18 doctor , we arent children anymore . Replied Candace with annoyance and sass in her voice .

ok , fair enough . You may get changed and be on your way . Then she left us silent in the room .

I could tell something was wrong . I would ask her about it once we got home . As Tara got changed , she no longer told me to look away cuz she knew I would peek . As she removed the hospital gown , all she was wearing was her undies and bra. Damn, she had a nice body , she put on her light blue skinny jeans first and then her DOPE sweatshirt and then her black TOMS . She combed lightly through her long light brown hair and then looked at me and said ,

ready to go ?

definitely . I replied smiling and taking her hand .

We left without saying another word . Not even talking in the car ride home . When we arrived home , I broke the silence by saying

What's wrong baby ?

Are you happy I'm not pregnant ? She questioned straight up

Wh-What ? I was so excited ! But when the doctor told you , that you weren't pregnant it was just good to hear because we can live a little longer and start a family once we are married . It's just that we are so young still . I am certainetly not happy that you aren't pregnant .

You sure ?! Cuz you seemed awfully happy after ! And you didn't even ask if I was ok ! God Niall ! I wanted a --

I wouldn't let her finish and leaned in cupped her cheeks in my palms and kissed her . I picked her up so her legs were wrapped around my waist . We stayed like that for a while and then i moved her over to the couch . I layed her down not letting our lips stop touching once . I removed my shirt .

Wait Niall . I don't think I can do this right now . She said getting off of the couch .

I'm sorry baby . I just wasnt thinking . Would you like a nice green tea and short bread ?

That would be lovely Niall , thank you . She said smiling .

As i sauntered off into the kitchen , I heard Candace walk upstairs into the bathroom and lock the door .

Candace's POV

That would be lovely Niall , thank you . I said trying to hold back my tears . I hope he didn't notice . I walked up to the bathroom and locked the door . I sat on the toilet seat and couldn't hold back my tears any longer . I wanted a baby more than anything in the world . And when I found out I wasn't pregnant I was absolutely devastated . I couldn't stop crying . I must have been crying because during the middle of my melt down session I heard a knock on the door followed by a concerned Irish accent . God it turned me on .

Babe are you ok ?

I wiped my eyes and sniffed .

uhh yep , i will be out in a second .

talk to me when you get out , your green tea and short bread is ready on the table . I will be waiting for you right here .

I heard him sit down on the steps leading downstairs . Well , I couldn't get out of the bathroom without confronting him first so i washed my face quickly and exited . When I opened the door , Niall stood up and turned around . His face was full of worry .

Baby , why are you crying ?

I am just so upset that I am not pregnant . Iwantedababysobadandiwantedtobeamotherreallybadandnowimno--. midway through i started crying a Niall hugged me , rubbing big circles on my back . He gave amazing hugs .

Come down stairs baby and drink your tea and then I will draw you a bath . How does that sound ?

That sounds great .

When we got downstairs the phone rang . Niall answered .

Hello ?

Uhh no this is Niall her boyfriend do you want to talk to her ?

Ok here she is .

I looked puzzled as I took the phone from him .

Your doctor . He mouthed

Hello ?

Candace Miller ? Hi , it's Mrs. Peters from the clinic , can you drop by next week for a couple more tests please ?


Cliff Hanger !!

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