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Loud ringing broke the silence soon followed by a groan. Minho opened his eyes reaching for his alarm to shut it off. After many foul attempts to turn off his alarm he realized that it was his phone ringing. Picking up the phone irritated at whoever is the one to disturb his seep.

"Mate where are you? You're an hour late!! Common get up, I don't want to hear your excuses." Before Minho could say anything back to his so-called friend, he heard a beeping noise indicating that Chan has hung up on him. Unwantedly getting up from his bed Minho walked over to his bathroom. Catching his reflection in the bathroom mirror he saw how prominent the eye bags were, his usually nicely kept hair was all over the place. Felling a bit disgusted with his look he striped and went into the shower. Hot water hit his back instantly relaxing him. Taking his sweet time in the shower he didn't care that he is already an hour late nor did he care that his boss would be angry at him for being this late.

After getting dressed and making himself look somewhat presentable he walked over to the kitchen and left some food for his cats but couldn't be bothered to get any food for himself. Walking out of the apartment building he walked straight passed his car deciding that he didn't really want to go to work and would rather be late. Minho slowly walked down the cold winter streets of Seoul making his way over to the bus stop. He looked over to the bus schedule seeing that his bus would be there in ten minutes.

Sitting down on the cold bench he looked at the time on his phone which read 10:30. He was late very late. Minho knew the consequences of being two hours late for work, but luckily for him he didn't have any classes till 12pm. Even though his classes didn't start until later his boss would still be angry at him for being late.

Soon enough the bus arrived. Minho walked in and took a spot by the window in the further left corner. There were not many people on the bus but significantly more people than yesterday evening. Most people on the bus were minding their own business either looking out of the window or their phones. The quietness was unusual, but Minho didn't mind it gave him more time to relax. He is placing his head on the cold window he looked out onto the streets of Seoul. The bus came to a stop at the traffic lights. Still looking out of the window Minho saw some couples walk around hand in hand enveloped in their own conversations. Minho felt a pang in his heart reminding him of the recent death of his lover. Seeing other couples walking around happy felt like pouring lemon juice into an open wound. He felt envious of the other couples, yet he also felt nothing at all. Any feeling he felt was quickly replaced with emptiness and numbness, a reminder that he would never be able to feel his lover's hands around him or see his lover's face when coming back from work.

Thoughts and memories of Seungmin flooded into his head. Just mere weeks ago it was Minho and Seungmin walking the streets of Seoul hand in hand, laughing about something that Seungmin most likely said. Before Minho could dwell on the past, he noticed that the bus arrived at his stop. Hopping of the bus he advanced in the way of the university that he worked at.

Getting to the entrance of a large building that Minho knew way to well he was meet with an angry Bang Chan. Before Minho could come up with any excuse he was yelled at by his friend.

"Finally! What took you so God damn long? I know for a fact it takes about twenty minutes' drive to get here from your apartment, the why the fuck did it take you TWO.FUCKING.HOURS. to get here." Chan continued to yell at Minho not letting the younger to explain himself. After another two minutes of Chan yelling at Minho he stopped and looked at the latter waiting for him to explain himself.

"To be bluntly honest, I do not want to be here, nor do I want to deal with a bunch self-arrogant young adult. I have better things to do, and I would rather spend the whole day in my apartment in peace and quiet listening to music, eating excessive amounts of food and cuddling with my cats." Minho replied to staring Chan straight into his eyes.

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